An absolute must read over at WoG.
What are those 501(c)(3) restrictions again?Ouch!
Carl at NOFP is optimistic about the Supreme Court's upcoming decision on Parker. Why is that important? He's a D.C. resident, a lawyer, and a good blogger.
9:50 PM
What I did on Memorial Day. Climbed a freaking mountain. My advice: It's not worth it unless you pack a hang glider, then it's questionable.
Meet the La Sals, the mountains you can see in my header. My feat was Mt. Peale, the highest peak in Southern Utah at an oxygen-hating 12,721 feet.
Peale is the one on the right:
Here's a few photos I took:
12:43 PM
In honor of the brave men and women who serve this country we traveled to a small Illinois town that was dedicating a veterans memorial this memorial day weekend....
Please keep the troops in your thoughts and prayers!
And please keep calling your congresscritter, we are winning this fight folks, all we need to do is keep up the pressure.
Tags: blogs for borders, memorial day, veterans, honoring the troops, small town America
11:55 AM
Have you ever taken a sentence or two and expanded on it into several paragraphs... kind of like many of us did in college for filler. Well imagine doing it with someone else's words, but in addition to expanding, you're changing a simple truism into an evil complexity. And if you happen to be so talented to do so, you have thus successfully completed professor Sullivan's course in professional writing: Paradigm accommodation: saying what your adversary really meant to say.
I present to you a simple statement, from Dick Cheney:
Capture one of these killers, and he'll be quick to demand the protections of the Geneva Convention and the Constitution of the United States. Yet when they wage attacks or take captives, their delicate sensibilities seem to fall away.And from several paragraphs, the gist of what Dick Cheney really meant to say, courtesy Andrew Sullivan:
Invoking Geneva and the Constitution in a time of war, Cheney implies, is only something terrorists or terrorist-supporters would do.Wow, I am gobsmackingly impressed. Enlightened are we to now know the true and dark nature of Dick Cheney. A powerful man standing firmly against the U.S. Constitution and the Geneva Convention.
9:36 PM
What is with Ron Paul? I mean have a look at the GOP straw poll, as well as several other internet polls, he's leading the charge. Although they are not scientific (even though today's scientific polls are increasingly facing obscurity due to the shrinking population of those using landline phones), Ron Paul is undeniably an internet sensation.
Just have a look at a few of these screenshots (click to enlarge):
From today's Technorati:
The current results of the GOP Straw Poll:
And three of the same Ron Paul clips are on Youtube's Politics & News top ten most viewed today:
Paul is also in Youtube's top ten of the most viewed this week in Politics & News, as well as having been barred from LGF's polls and Pajamas Media polls.
Is it an army of online Paul trolls, or just an army of online Paul supporters who don't believe in landline phones? With Libertarians it could just as easily be one or the other, or both.
Here's the second interview of Paul on Maher's show, going viral on Youtube:
For good or ill, I doubt Paul has a chance in hell of winning the presidency, let alone the nomination, but he's schooling the other candidates on how to take advantage of the internet, and they'd be wise to pay attention.
Maybe it's the nutroots who love Ron Paul because the Republicans hate him, thus the strong online support. I am just having a hard time believing it's a small group of internet savvy Paul supporters trolling the whole internet. I think it's an odd group, more unusual than this country has seen in recent history: quick to click, but slow to fork out a dollar.
I love Ron Paul on guns, on abortion, on smaller government, on taxes, but he is too isolationist for me. A clincher for me. Honestly he's right that we need to have a serious reworking of our foreign policy, but he's wrong about how much we're to blame for terrorism. Blowback happens, even in isolation. And frankly, I'd like to have a man in the ring rather than an empty corner.
Seriously, what was his plan for the Soviet Union? Were we just supposed to let them expand their empire and gain more control over the world's oil supply because 30 years down the road these Islamists will turn against us? Get real. If Ron Paul has got 30 years of good foresight, I'd vote for him, but I'd bet it is more like opportunistic 30-year retrospective quarterbacking.
At this point only two people across the aisle peak my interest, Fred Thompson and Bill Richardson.
5:10 PM
"Where are the police? Why don't you protect us?"
European sheep, Russian incompetence, and gay rights. There should be a television show.
4:13 PM
Cross posted at Screw the UN.
What could be worse than UN troops illegally selling their guns? Why it would be UN troops illegally selling their guns to ruthless militias known for violating human rights. And to top it all off, the UN attempted to cover it up.
Via the UK Commentators we have this story from the BBC:
Pakistani UN peacekeeping troops have traded in gold and sold weapons to Congolese militia groups they were meant to disarm, the BBC has learnt. These militia groups were guilty of some of the worst human rights abuses during the Democratic Republic of Congo's long civil war. The trading went on in 2005. A UN investigative team sent to gather evidence was obstructed and threatened.Yet another landmark on the path of utter failure for the UN. It doesn't reflect well upon a global organization purportedly devoted to world peace, not only when its troops engage in criminal activity, but when its upper echelons attempt to cover it up.
The team's report was buried by the UN itself to "avoid political fallout".
Richard Ndilu, in charge of immigration at Mongbwalu airstrip, became suspicious in late 2005 when an Indian businessman arrived there and went to stay at the camp of the Pakistani peacekeepers. Alerted to this illegal trade by her officials, the District Commissioner of Ituri, Petronille Vaweka, went to Bunia airport to intercept a plane from Mongbwalu. She said her way was blocked by Congolese army officers, who refused to allow her to inspect the cargo.
"I knew they had gold because the price of gold increased when the Indians went to Mongwalu," she said. "When we wanted to verify what was inside the plane the pilot refused to allow us to enter the plane - me who was the chief, he refused! It was a big scandal."
10:33 AM
Blogs For Borders: Amnesty Edition!
Wisconsin cop killed by illegal alien!
Why the desperation for amnesty: we analyze...
As "The World's Greatest Deliberative Body" considers how best to reward our criminal invaders, I think you know what you need to do! NumbersUSA!
This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join go to the Blogs For Borders Website to find out how.
Tags: illegal immigration, amnesty, ted kennedy, john mccain, blogs for borders, gang rape, murder, tuberculosis
10:56 PM
According to the AP, a Church and a Courthouse were shot up where two people were killed not including the shooter, who then shot himself.
Local blogging already underway at Joe Huffman's.
Interestingly, while searching for this story, I found this one. That's Idaho; the shooting however, is not.
7:38 AM
Forty-something years of gun control hasn’t worked. The gun prohibitionists counter that we just don’t have enough gun control yet, but the more stringent gun control in Canada and Great Britain hasn’t worked either, so this option does not appeal to any but the lunatic fringe. Canada’s stringent gun control did not prevent the attack at Dawson College in Montreal, nor did Germany’s laws prevent the attack at Emsdetten. Gun control is a failure.Gun owners against guns... Well that sounds genuine. A Keyboard and a .45 also points to a hero's take on gun control. And while you're at it, have a look at the pending anti-gun legislation.
We all know the only thing that stopped Cho was a bullet. That no one was able to stop him sooner is on your consciences, or should be.A gun in the home is a government in the home, coming to a liberal city near you. Say Uncle on San Fran's latest gun control move.
1:11 PM
Just watch.
Even if you havn't seen the episode you can't miss the heavy-handed editing.
But I watched this episode, and although Glenn gave some credit to Paul, this whole segment was practically devoted to debunking Ron Paul's claim that America asked for 9/11.
Update: Apparently this is not from the official Ron Paul Youtube account, but it's either from his campaign or some idiot condoned by his campaign.
12:51 PM
Get your submissions in, I sure could use more.
Freeconstitution at
2:54 AM
To clarify what I said in my last post, and now that (seemingly) more accurate information is out, I am comforted by the theory of this new bill, and would like to support it. But I cannot. I still do not support the Republican Party for the time being.
Via Captain Ed, I found Big Lizards' post on it. Big Lizards assembles what's known about it, and following are a few interesting bits. Here's the meat of it:
The compromise sets up a "point system" (as in Australia) for future immigration...Here is the good part:
Points would be allocated for English-language facility, education, advanced job skills that the country needs (I'm guessing high tech), and for family connections to other citizens more tenuous than spouse or children under the age of 21...
The only family connections that would allow automatic issuance of a green card would be spouses and children under the age of 21...
The following provisions must be "implemented" before either regularization of illegal aliens or enactment of the temporary-worker program can occur:And the easy part:
- 370 miles of additional border fence (unknown whether that means actual wall the whole way, wall plus fence, or wall plus fence plus virtual fence);
- 18,000 additional Border Patrol agents;
- "Effective, electronic employee-verification system for the workplace;"
- Crackdown on employers who hire illegals
Current illegal aliens can come forward, give full information about themselves, and obtain a "probationary" Z-visa card that would allow them to stay legally and continue to work but would not allow them to apply for citizenship...But this regularization will supposedly take several years:In order to get a regular Z-visa, allowing the alien to begin the path to citizenship, he must meet several requirements:
- The head of the household must return to his country of origin and apply from there [WSJ2];
- The family must undergo a criminal background check [WaPo];
- They must pay a $5,000 fine [WSJ2];
- They must pay back taxes
And then the infamous Guest Worker Program allowing for two years of work, although its current counterpart is already frequently abused.Before Z-visas will be granted, the United States Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) has eight years to work through the backlog of already pending legal residency applications from those who are trying to immigrate here legally.
Only after those are granted will USCIS turn to illegal aliens who have applied for residency per the process delineated in (6) above; this will take up to five additional years.
After a green card is granted, citizenship requires an additional five years. Thus, from illegal status to citizenship requires a minimum of 13 years, possibly as long as 18 years.
1:03 AM
It's like the non-apology apology, a tool proven too valuable for politicians and celebrities alike, alowing them to repair their self-inflicted damage, with out actually apologizing for the deed.
Such is the Kennedy-Bush-McCain domestic-front-surrender bill, otherwise known as the upcoming comprehensive immigration reform bill, which in all likelihood will be given some disingenuous name like the Compassionate-Melting-Pot Bill.
Hundreds, if not more are blogging about it. Many support it. Even Bill O'Reilly supports it, saying this is the best we can get. If the 1986 amnesty was the solution, you can consider me thrilled about this 'the best we can get' immigration bill, oh my. So thrilled in fact, I'm not even a Republican anymore.
Interesting commentary against the bill abound in the blogospere, such as:
From Huwie: "This deal... takes down about half of the fence that was mandated last fall"
From Malkin:
Not one—of [the many] amnesties was associated with a decline in illegal immigration. On the contrary, the number of illegal aliens in the U.S. has tripled since President Reagan signed the first amnesty in 1986.From CTB:
The Federal immigration bureaucracy that will be tasked with administering any of these reforms will be the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). CIS is already unable to effectively deal with its existing benefit adjudication missions...Fred Thompson, qtd at NRO:CIS has indicated it would need to bring in private contractor personnel to help deal with the monumental workload increase from reform legislation. Such contractors will invariably be quickly hired, poorly trained, probably low-bid, barely vetted and far more subject to bribery and corruption than permanent Government employees.
Not that bribery and corruption will necessarily be that necessary. In short order, the system will be overwhelmed. Whatever minimal fraud detection and prevention safeguards might be erected won’t last long in the face of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of applications and petitions to be adjudicated. What that means is the information provided on those applications and petitions, and whatever supporting documents they may have (if any), will essentially be taken at face value.
"With this bill, the American people are going to think they are being sold the same bill of goods as before on border security. We should scrap this bill.."Unsurprisingly it's not liberal enough for some liberals:
Among Democrats, even Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada expressed "serious concerns about some aspects of this proposal, including the structure of the temporary worker program and undue limitations on family immigration."Don't worry Senator Reid, Mickey Kaus will ease your pain:
Reid's statement was referring to parts of the measure that would set out conditions for letting foreign workers enter the United States temporarily, and to changes in the provisions that permit legal immigrants to bring members of their families into the country.
Many of the alleged concessions--like ending "chain migration" of family members--seem unenforceable in the long run. Are we really going to give citizenship to illegals but prevent them from reuniting with their families? I don't think so. Even if we could, and even if that were desirable, and even if the provisions survived in the Democratic house, it would hardly be worth what the GOP senators have apparently agreed to: taking the risk of encouraging another 12 million illegals to evade our still-porous border controls and wait for the next amnesty. ... This is looking more and more like the Bush administration's domestic version of Iraq: a big risky gamble, based on wishful thinking and nonexistent administrative competence, that will end in disaster.So what's the deal about this 1000 page bill that won't be published online until after it's voted on? It gives hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of illegal aliens legal status well ahead of those that are actually waiting patiently in line.
The Senate deal would grant temporary legal status to virtually all illegal immigrants in the country, while allowing them to apply for residence visas and eventual citizenship. A temporary-worker program would allow as many as 400,000 migrants into the country each year, but they would have to leave after two years. And the current visa system, which stresses family ties, would be augmented by a complex point system that would favor skilled, educated workers. Most of those changes would take effect only after the implementation of tough new border controls and a crackdown on the employment of undocumented workers...My apologies go out to the computer geeks we so very need, like a guy from South Korea, whose visa expired because his paper work was stuck in the bureaucracy, who went back to South Korea to wait for his legal opportunity, just to have the friendly extended middle finger from Congress. But that's ok right, we don't need computer geeks, we need more slave labor.
This year's legislation would grant undocumented workers who came into the country before January a permit to remain. They could then apply for a new, four-year "Z Visa," renewable indefinitely, as long as they pay a $5,000 fine, a $1,500 processing fee, show a clean work record and pass a criminal background check.
8:01 PM
It wasn't really a debate, rather a bunch of guys standing around trying to sound better than the other guy in 90 seconds.
So, who won? I think Giulianni served himself well this time, but not as well as the blogosphere makes it out to be.
Ron Paul is an idiot and should not be allowed in any more debates, or back to Congress for that matter.
McCain sucked, I don't know any conservative who liked what he had to say any better than the others. And by the way, the audience just pissed me off; huge applauses for a lackluster McCain.
Romney might as well have shot himself in the head with that "I support the 2nd Amendment but I am in favor of the AWB" crap. I think I trust John Kerry over Mitt Romney on the 2nd Amendment.
Good performances from the second tier, which is exactly why the GOP will lose in 2008. Our best candidates are either unknown or not even in the race. I await Fred Thompson's entry with increasing anxiety over his difference in percieved and actual support.
If you missed it, some guy uploaded it in 9 parts on Youtube, here's the first.
2:06 PM
Just heard it on CNN.
The Reverend Jerry Falwell has died. He was 73, and it was apparently from congestive heart failure.
From the AP:
Ron Godwin, the university's executive vice president, said Falwell, 73, was found unresponsive around 10:45 a.m. and taken to Lynchburg General Hospital. Godwin said he was not sure what caused the collapse, but he said Falwell "has a history of heart challenges."More:
LYNCHBURG, Va. (AP) - The Rev. Jerry Falwell, who founded the Moral Majority and built the religious right into a political force, died Tuesday shortly after being found unconscious in his office at Liberty University, a school executive said. He was 73.
10:35 AM
Are criminals in a certain Southwestern state "Arizona white?"
Illegal aliens continue to kill and rape Americans.
Illegal aliens gassed by border patrol, but in what country?
All this and much, much more in this week's Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst.
10:25 PM
The only Democrat I'd consider voting for, and maybe the only one with a good sense of humor:
(via HotAir I think)
5:55 PM
David Frum gets it:
Barring some calamitous mistake by the Democrats (and true, that can never be ruled out from the "war is lost" party), the GOP enters the 2008 election cycle at a serious disadvantage. If we want to win, we have to offer the American voter something fresh and compelling. I think most of us understand that. And yet at the same time we are demanding that our candidates repeat formulas and phrases from two and three decades ago.Most of us libertarians and conservatives hold Mr. Reagan close to our heart, but these guys won't have a chance pretending to be the reincarnate Ronald Reagan. It would be nice to have a candidate naturally similar to Reagan, while espousing 21st century toughness, whatever that looks like. Right now, I think it's looking like Fred Thompson, but that could change.
5:35 PM
Here's the story. As much as I like Hitchens and dislike Sharpton (even moreso now), I agree with Sharpton's argument as far as the existense of God. Basically, you can't prove or disprove God with logic, rather you just know His existence with experience.
Then, the reverend, takes a jab at Romney's Mormonism, implying Mormon's do not believe in God.
As for the one Mormon running for office, those who really believe in God will defeat him anyways, so don't worry about that; that's a temporary situation.Funny, Sharpton targets a minority and claims they are something they are not, just after he demands the firing of Imus for calling people of a minority something they are not.
11:56 PM
The brave folks at Save Our State descend into a Third World hell, on American soil!
A Colorado teen is confronted by her deported rapist, on American soil!
Can our government be trusted to implement the current amnesty? We take a look at how they're fulfilling their current obligations...
If you somehow missed it our May 1st coverage is here and here.
ALIPAC follows up on the Macarthur Park mini (Full disclosure: I helped edit the video).
See all the SOS coverage of Baldwin (Just keep scrolling, there's lots to see)
This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join head over to the Blogs For Borders Website and have a look around.
Tags: illegal immigration, blogs for borders, illegal alien, cirminal, rapist, colorado, california, deportation, baldwin park, save our state, third world, amnesty, president bush, mexico, macarthur park, invasion
12:04 AM
These little breaks I have to take from my irregular scheduled blogging just kill my steady stream of readers. But I'm back, and for a good while now. Regular blogging to resume late tomorrow.
5:54 PM
Jake and MJ of Freedom Folks say they've had an amazing week in D.C. at the border rally. Here's the coverage...
Much more video coverage:
Deport Them Now
Our account
More blog coverage:
Diggers Realm
Stop The Invasion
They'll be covering the alleged "massive" May 1st rally in Chicago today, if it's interesting they will throw up a special edition so -- Stay Tuned!
Tags: illegal immigration, hold their feet to the fire, alipac, fair, the dusty inman society, roy beck, roger hedgecock, william gheen, tom tancredo, duncan hunter, steve king, tj bonner, gary brugman, ramos, compean, gary brugman, dan stein, dan sheehy, fighting immigration anarchy, you don't speak for me, john and ken, terry anderson, amnesty
5:35 PM