Another benchmark for the blogosphere today with Michelle Malkin's final interview of Mark Steyn over at Hot Air, on the increasing clash between the West and Islam. It's a great interview in two parts, but after editing, some good parts were left out.
I give you the what was left out below the fold.Michelle: Would you care for some coffee Mr. Steyn?
Steyn: No, I'm quite comfortable thank you.
No, I'm fine.
Mr. Steyn, Iranian President Ahmadinejad has called for Iranians to outbreed Europe, and...
Yes, in fact I've talked about the demographic problem for Europe in my book, which by the way is out-performing your recent book.
I don't think so, but your book does have the benefit of increased relevancy due to the daily performances of radical Islamists.
Perhaps you are correct Michelle, but I believe a large part of the success is simply better writing.
Are you kidding me? I actually went to college, I have been writing for years.
I thought we were here to promote my book?
Lest you forget Mister Steyn, this is MY show. We've already provided a link to your book at Amazon, a link to your website, and flashed the cover of your book at the beginning of the show. Shall we move forward?
Yes, indeed. And about radical Islam, which is what I go into great detail about in my bestselling new book, Ameri...
Lets stay on topic Mr. Steyn.
Well, my book...
You want to play this game?
Fine. Let's talk about illegal immigration. Something I have covered extensively in MY blog, and in MY books...
Yes, I have covered that topic as well in my successful book, Amer...
Moving on, what do you suggest America do to confront and overcome the threat from North Korea?
As I wrote in my very successful book, America Alo...
We GET IT Mr. Steyn. Can we just talk about North Korea?
I'll take that coffee now.
We're out.
But you just offered me...
The midterm elections are going to be held in a few days; do you think the Republicans still have a chance of holding the House?
If I can have some coffee, I'll tell you.
No Coffee.
Isn't it true you dropped out of school at age 16?Isn't it true you question the anchor baby policy despite your own similarities, and that you defend internment camps?
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This was my first try at something like this, just so ya know.
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