For the next week or two posting will be light.
My personal workload has doubled with deadlines nearing.
This is not by any means an expression of apathy because of President Bush's conversion to the Democratic party or the Democrats control of both Houses -in that respect I have much more to blog about, with greater motivation.
I will say to the conservative oriented that the election was not a reflection of a loss
of conservatism, rather proof that it is strong.
The past two years have shown the Republican Party's abandonment of conservative ideals, and though many say otherwise, how else would the nation send the party in power a message? By voting for them again? The American people did not give a mandate for socialism, many many conservative initiatives passed, many Democrats won only by razor thin majorities, and many of those Democrats were conservative.
The Republicans got a message, but they are not heeding the one that was sent. They will, or they will collapse.
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Of course the election wasn't a referendum on conservatism, but it did kill the Neocon.
It'll be a cold day in hell before anyone trusts them again.
Liberal ideals can be achieved with conservative safe guards and conservative ideals can be achieved without disenfranchising liberals. It's called compromise.
The Neocons turned our congress into an us vs. them contentus body doomed to fail from the beginning. What a shame. Think of the good that could have came from America uniting after 9/11. It was squandered to push an extreme ideology, used to segregate those with opposing opinions.
It has been a nasty battle that never had to be.
I reluctantly agree with you. Though as a conservative, I saw a lot of good ideas the NeoCons brought to the table. Unfortunately they were naturally divisive. The PaleoCons, Reagan Democrats, traditionalist independents, Libertarians and Liberals tore the Neo Cons apart, and to certain extents, rightfully.
They did a lot of bad things in the name of national security, esp. the military commisions act, and recently Bush gave the President's office power over the NAtional Guard without governor consent.
And today I learned that the ATF just took down a leader of our Militia. I don't understand the Liberals affection for big government, especially if they so despise conservative control of it.
Government control should be feared, I mean who's responsible for the world's most atrocities?
Unfortunately we now have the government acting increasingly independent of and in opposition to citizen control and citizen power. Hopefully that can be undone.
I agree government control should be feared. Balance is the key though, neither the far left or the far right have fared good when in total control. And it's not that liberals like big government, we just believe it is of and by the people and should reflect the majority and minority equally. Balance.
Neither do I believe most conservatives want government out of their lives except to provide a military ,police, fire etc.) The abortion debate proves that.
Finding middle ground is never easy, but it is always better than either extreme on the left or right. We are the government, we control it, not the other way around.
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