Probably not. But they're considering it, seriously, apparently.
Probably not. But they're considering it, seriously, apparently.
2:47 AM
He makes some good points, just some, although very good. Others, not so much. I'm still not going to vote for him but admire his convictions.
As always with Libertarians, I agree with them up to a point, such as when they want to demolish the CIA because of bad policy. The CIA is one of the best equipped forces of counter-terrorism in the world despite its shortcomings. To go without, would be going blind. The ATFE on the other hand...
1:23 AM
The AP has got the text of all three letters supposedly written by captured British sailor Faye Turney.
The last two letters are impersonal, very anti-US and anti-UK.
The fact that these look like complete fakes, and if not then forcibly written, not even counting their parading of the sailors and marines, shows Iran's complete lack of understanding the West. Too bad, because everybody understands the language of force.
Here's an excerpt of the latest letter:
The Iranian people have treated me well and have proved themselves to be caring, compassionate, hospitable and friendly. For this I am thankful.I believe that for our countries to move forward we need to start withdrawing our forces from Iraq and leave the people of Iraq to start re building their lives...
It is now our time to ask our government to make a change to its oppressive behaviour towards other people.
12:43 PM
Well, that's what he says:
"I've been a consistent and strong supporter of the Second Amendment... and will remain so. I've always been, always."
Really Senator? Another honest politician folks.
4:25 PM
Great video over at Screw the UN.
Thanks to Kathy.
3:41 PM
In this weeks edition...
Americans punished for doing the "jobs Americans won't do?"
Do criminal aliens have a 'right' to commit crimes in America?
Is something from a sci-fi novel the solution to illegal immigration?
And "uncounted beans?"
All this and more in this weeks exciting episode...
You can watch Jake's entire interview with professor
You can vote for this post at Real Clear Politics...Here.
If this video has inspired you to get more involved here are some things you can do. NumbersUSA puts you in the know with daily updates on legislation and contact info you can use to keep your congresscritter honest.
Heres another site you may find useful. Immigration stance provides you with an easy to read scorecard on every congresscritters record on immigration related votes. Knowledge is power! And a reminder, if your representative is one of the altogether rare 'good guys' make sure to give them a call and offer an 'attaboy!' before you return to lambasting the bad guys.
This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join go to the Blogs For Borders Website and send us an email.
*Please head on over to Freedom Folks and give their site a look, this work is no small feat. Show your support.
Tags: illegal immigration, crime, mexico, mechanizing the harvest, uncounted beans, statistics, blogs for borders video blogburst, amnesty, border security
2:44 AM
Maybe I should be a gun blogger...
You know, exclusively a gun blogger.
Cause I feel like even the best of what I have to offer is just another shout into an arena filled with tens of thousands of screaming people. Nobody is really that interested in foreign policy, other than Iraq and maybe Iran, and that's stretchin it. Nobody really cares about another opinion on the same Washington Post story blogged about a hundred times. It gets old.
But the gunblogging community is so passionate, so in sync, yet not overly redundant. I was so bored with the vast political blogosphere; once you read the paper you've read every political blog from Kos to Malkin. But you rarely got the hard-to-find stories about guns and gun rights. You rarely get the stories about liberty. When I bumped in to Mr. Codrea's blog it was like a whole new universe had opened its door to me. Fascinating reads from law to philosophy and personal stories, all of them filled with humor, satire, brutal logic, and justified emotion.
Maybe my disheartening is because of the fact that half the political blogosphere is from New England; I mean a little common courtesy wouldn't strip you of your Yankee pride. Maybe it's that half the political blogosphere doesn't know if they agree with Instapundit or Stop the ACLU. It's like an arrogant madness that pretends it's quaintly organized. Maybe I'm just throwing stones, but there's a difference between the gun blogs and the political blogs, and it's whatever you call the combination of purity and courtesy. I'll call it "purtesy."
Maybe it's time I started hangin with a better crowd.
4:21 PM
Sick of the evil Imperialist Uncle Sam? Tired of the daily pro-U.S. propaganda, but yet you desire to serve that nobler cause?
Look no further:
Heh. I don't know who the people are, Hamas, Hezbollah, or even the Palestinian Authority for all I know. But it's priceless.
Update: Thanks to Google Translator, much of the youtuber's videos are captioned with what appears to be anti-Hamas statements... So, my bets on this being Hamas.
Update: It seems these Hamas trucks are accident prone:
8:56 PM
Many wouldn't dare do what Wayne Fincher did.
Kurt at Armed and Safe says it well:
Fincher is in jail, facing prison, while I sit comfortably behind a computer--for precisely one reason. That reason is that he is a patriot with the courage to put his freedom on the line for his belief in the Constitution, and I am a keyboard commando, always ready to talk about Constitutional freedoms, but much less willing to suffer for them.Wayne could use some help.
2:26 PM
A rare find...
French Presidential candidate Francois Bayrou, has called for boycotting the upcoming Olympics to be held in China. This is somewhat of pleasant surprise, considering France and China have been increasingly strengthening their relations.
And what is this boycott over? Darfur. Which is good, because it is another example of China blocking UN sanctions against rogue regimes.
From the AP:
French Olympic officials expressed surprise at Francois Bayrou's boycott call at a pro-Darfur rally late Tuesday. At the same rally, the two leading presidential candidates joined Bayrou in pledging not to host any members of the Sudanese government in France.
That would mark a change in policy: President Jacques Chirac hosted Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on the French Riviera at a summit of African leaders last month.
The Sudanese government is accused of funding militias and allowing its military to brutalize civilians in a conflict that has killed some 200,000 people and left 2.5 million homeless since 2003.
China - a U.N. Security Council permanent member with veto power - opposes any sanctions against Sudan, where it is the biggest foreign investor.
"If this drama does not stop, France would do itself credit by not coming to the Olympic Games," Bayrou told the rally, his office said Wednesday.
"There is nothing easier than stopping this tragedy, this genocide," said Bayrou, who visited Darfur on a private trip in 2005. "This is a political issue because China decided to bring its protection to the Khartoum regime."
4:08 PM
The best post marking our 4 years in Iraq, in my opinion, is the one by Gerard Van der Leun at American Digest.
It's almost a tear jerker, because you know the fragility of our strength. I'd quote some, but it wouldn't do justice. Read it.
12:30 AM
There's a good discussion going on at David's as to where to draw the line between guns and bazookas, or nukes for that matter. And who is to draw that line?
5:33 PM
Apparently, Russia cut off fuel to Iran's new Bushehr nuclear plant until they comply with the UN's several ultimatums to stop enriching uranium. From the NYT:
Recently, however, Moscow and Tehran have been engaged in a public argument about whether Iran has paid its bills, which may explain Russia’s apparent shift. But the ultimatum may also reflect an increasing displeasure and frustration on Moscow’s part with Iran over its refusal to stop enriching uranium at its vast facility at Natanz.“We’re not sure what mix of commercial and political motives are at play here,” one senior Bush administration official said in Washington. “But clearly the Russians and the Iranians are getting on each other’s nerves — and that’s not all bad.”
It might be a financial feud, but it could partly be a power struggle. Russia letting Iran know just who needs who. I don't think it's an example of Russia asserting it's comparative power advantage over the UN, because well, the UN has proven its complete lack of effectiveness.
One thing is certain, Russia did not suddenly decide to warm up to the West, they after all, built that power plant and expect a return on that and many other of their investments in Iran.
12:42 PM
Lacking in votes in another attempt to end the war --giving the enemy a nice future V-A day, Democrats will buy the votes with our money.
That's right, defeatism and wasteful spending in one shiny package...
From the WaPo:
House Democratic leaders are offering billions in federal funds for lawmakers' pet projects large and small to secure enough votes this week to pass an Iraq funding bill that would end the war next year.Flopping Aces has more.
...a few Republicans and conservative Democrats who otherwise would vote "no" remain undecided, as they ponder whether they can leave on the table millions of dollars for constituents by opposing the $124 billion war funding bill due for a vote on Thursday.
12:21 PM
Have illegal aliens contaminated America's blood supply?
Frank Jorge gets inside the mind of a reconquista teen in California.
Just how much of our tax money is going to illegal aliens? We take a look.
Cindy Sheehan and crew aced out in Washington by patriots!
All this and more in this weeks edition!
If you'd like to become more involved here's something you can do...
NumbersUSA: signing up for this site instantly puts you in the know on steps you can take to make a difference in the fight against illegal immigration. They provide continuous updates on legislation moving through congress and what you can do about it. Calling your congresscritter only takes minutes, make your voice heard!
This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join stop by the Blogs For Borders Website.
Tags: illegal immigration, blogs for borders video blogburst, mexico, crime, criminal aliens, chagas, tuberculosis, hepatitis a, blood supply, gathering of eagles, cindy sheehan, code pink, patriots, numbersusa
11:21 AM
Well, sorta.
"Ask about the Bloomberg Gun GiveAway" reads a sign taped to the gun shop's register...
"The truth is, if Bloomberg hadn't picked on Virginia, we wouldn't have gotten involved. But he made the mistake of stepping into Virginia with this," said Philip Van Cleave, president of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League and mastermind of the giveaway, which has boosted business for the two participating store owners.
4:01 PM
At first glance, a study like this doesn't do much for America's image:
WASHINGTON (AP) - About one-third of the people living in the national's capital are functionally illiterate, compared with about one-fifth nationally, according to a report on the District of Columbia.Once you factor in small children, immigrants, and of course politicians, it makes sense. Really though, it shows a severe lack of assimilation --an emerging pattern born of the PC multiculturist age. It's looking like the fire under that melting pot went out.
The growing number of Hispanic and Ethiopian immigrants who aren't proficient in English contributed to the city's high functional illiteracy level, which translated to 170,000 people, said Connie Spinner, director of the State Education Agency. The report says the district's functional illiteracy rate is 36 percent and the nation's 21 percent.
11:44 AM
8:11 PM
I've been busy the last few weeks, but I always have time for the 2A Carnival.
If you'd like to be a part of this carnival, there's still time. You can go here to submit or just send me an email at freeconstitution at
12:43 PM
Reconquista Babes in Texas?
Reconquista dancers in Chicago?
Bank Of America takes one on the chin from patriots nationwide?
America's border: Fact or Fiction?
All this and more in this weeks Vburst!
If you feel inspired to get more involved here are some suggestions:
The Minuteman Project
Save Our State
Not all of us should go to the border.
Not all of us should hold signs at rallies.
But all of us should be involved in any way we can be.
If not you, who?
If not now, when?
This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join go to the Blogs For Borders website and send us an email.
Tags: illegal immigration, amnesty, border security, mexico, blogs for borders video blogburst, galveston texas, philadelphia, temecula arizona, chicago illinois, reconquista
10:21 AM
The direction of individual rights in the technological age. Hopefully that direction is limited to France.
9:51 PM
Or moral authority, with moral authority. Really this article just exposes the fallacious moral argument of the Reconquista.
2:23 PM
If it's Tuesday it must be Blogs For Borders Vburst time again!
This week we focus in on the Amnesty Gravy Train.
In "When Aliens Attack" we show the chaotic reality when patriots tell illegal aliens 'no.'
100% Preventable shows us three more examples of crimes that are 100% Preventable.
More coverage of the nationwide "Free The Texas Three" rallies.
And Eagles gather in Washington?
This mystery can only be solved by watching...
A Gathering Of Eagles
This has been the Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. The Blogs For Borders Blogroll is dedicated to American sovereignty, border security and a sane immigration policy. If you'd like to join go to the Blogs For Borders Website and send us an email.
Tags: blogs for borders video blogburst, illegal immigration, amnesty, john mccain, ted kennedy, a gathering of eagles, save our state, criminal aliens, rape, pedophile, border security
12:38 PM
Almost forgot about the Secular Islam Summit. Thankfully Jim Hoft is there. He's got a good interview (w/video) with Nonie Darwish, on radical mosques here in America, and a few words for CAIR.Be sure to check out the rest of his SIS coverage.
Update: Ahmed Bedier of CAIR on Glenn Beck's show:
Discredit secular Muslims, evade condemning specific acts of Islamic extremism, and claim to represent moderate Muslims... just who does CAIR think they are fooling?
Update: More from Glenn Beck's show. Shaker al-Nabulsi and Wafa Sultan on the non-existant fatwa against OBL, Islam as a religion and an ideology, and the dangers of Islam.
6:47 PM
Eh, I don't see the big deal about pandering, at least in the form of fake accents. It's the John Kerry/John McCain pandering that's the problem. Anyway, video is below the fold...
5:03 PM
Looks like Obama's been listening to Hillary-fearing conservatives.
(Via Instapundit)
4:47 PM
The nanny state, surveillance society, Orwellianism, etc., etc., etc. All increasingly synonymous with Britain.
Today, we have one more example:
The sale of imitation samurai swords could be banned by the end of the year, the Home Office announced today.Oh that "menace of tyranny" of which Churchill was passionate:
Importing or hiring the weapons could also be made illegal following a string of samurai sword attacks in recent years.
Breaching the ban, which is targeted at cheap imitation samurai swords rather than the more expensive genuine collectors' items made by licensed swordsmiths in Japan, would result in up to six months in jail and a £5,000 fine.
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender...But what of Britons today, about their freedom? Reminds me of this song:
2:26 PM
Since David's on the road, I thought I'd cover "the only ones" for today.
Officer shoots coworker in foot:
A Chapel Hill police officer was placed on routine administrative leave after accidentally shooting a co-worker in the foot...To put it in the language of Thomas Hobbes, who's the author of this act? There are two references in the report of the rifle discharging, making the rifle the author of the act, yet only one reference making Rhoads the author. Mr. Hobbes must be rolling in his grave to see contemporary scribes attributing ownership of action to inanimate objects.
Sgt. Donald Rhoads was unloading his rifle around 4:05 p.m. when it discharged, hitting Sgt. Andrew Smith's left foot.
1:03 PM
As a hunter and amateur roper, I was always curious what it'd be like to rope, rather than shoot, a deer. Now. I. know.
10:52 PM
Or anti-capitalism, or is that one in the same nowadays? This is the third night in a row for these riots. Apparently, getting a year's notice to move out so the rightful owners can move in, is just asking too much...
The unrest stems from the eviction of squatters from a building that authorities say had become a hangout for anarchists, punk rockers and hippies.And from Sky News:
Police say more than 600 people have been arrested since the protests began last Thursday, including 140 foreigners from Europe and the US.
The Copenhagen riots have drawn leftist sympathizers who view it as part of a wider struggle against capitalism.
Across the city, groups of protesters set fire to rubbish bins, while others ransacked a school and hurled chairs, desks and computers onto the street.
The eviction had been planned since last year, when courts ordered the squatters to hand the building over to a Christian congregation that had bought it six years ago.
8:01 PM
Rep. John Murtha was Russert's show today and boy, is he optimistic.
According to Murtha, Iraq can take care of itself and al Qaeda better than we can... you know, once we leave them in the midst of a civil war. "It's not going to be any worse than it is now" he says. It'd be like throwing your infant child into a cage of rabid dogs, cause you know, he can fight 'em better alone.
Video below the fold...
4:14 PM
It's Drudge's top link, but other than the new numbers, it's not really news.
China will boost military spending by 17.8 percent this year, a spokesman for the national legislature said Sunday, continuing more than a decade of double-digit annual increases that have raised concerns among the United States and China's neighbors.This growing China, if it can overcome rampant corruption, unchecked pollution, and in twenty years its one-child-induced-top-heavy senior citizen problem, its military and economic standing will be second to none. The hurdles on the way however, make this one-man race to the top have the appearance of risk, but as with all one-man races, 1st place is guaranteed.
1:46 PM
I'm frankly too tired to post on it in depth, probably for the better, but I was just so amazed to see such a high-profile idiot like Wesley Clark have the balls to position himself as the next anti-war Messiah. No not for this war, but the next one: The war with Iran.
It's risky for him to do this, I mean this war could just as well be Hillary's war. But for a guy like Wes, it was Bush's foreign policy that inspired Ahmadinejad to develop nukes, inspired Russia, China, and France to obstruct any real resolution, and inspired the trademark superficiality of UN ultimatums. For a guy like Wes, being the figurehead of the next big anti-war movement is a step in the door to the presidency. Where there's a war, there's a way... right Wes?
Oh, almost forgot, his fabulous video below the fold...
Maybe Wes is on to something. He's got the Iran war, so I'll take... China: coming soon.
1:04 AM
Ann Coulter on Al Gore, Hollywood, Barack Obama, Hillary, and then another signature remark of hers. A little after 7 minutes in, You'll hear Coulter's "faggot" comment regarding John Edwards in the second video*. It was pretty low, and uncalled for, but that's Ann, and that's what CPAC gets for inviting her. What does it matter though, she'll be back with more, and I'll still like her.
Video is below the fold.
That video from the Constant American
If you don't want to watch 7 minutes of her speech, then here's the "faggot" part all by itself:
And this video from some Youtuber.
9:01 PM
What the rightosphere's been buzzing about today, is Bill Maher's ridiculous comments on Dick Cheney's near miss. Not surprisingly, he gets the laughter from his audience, and if you look closely, nodding approval from his guest, Representative Barney Frank.
Video is from Ms.Underestimated and is below the fold.
7:31 PM
My apologies for the blog being down for so long. It's been hell trying to get Blogger to host my domain. So far there have been few problems, such as a slightly slower load time, and some images not appearing. But things are, for the most part, back to normal.
The domain shown in the address bar obviously is my current URL, but my old blog*spot address works just the same.
2:07 PM