It's here in .pdf.
He's got no idea about American history, yet he speaks as an authority on the subject.
He claims Kennedy was elected during Vietnam, sought to end it, and was assassinated by corporations profiting from the war. Ooookaaaay. JFK refused to pull out the little advisory support we had there, if anything he would've went to war too. But it didn't start until LBJ took over.
He then spouts rhetoric you often hear from the nutroots, about Bush, the war, Democrats not ending the war, big corporations, evil America...
Oh, and he says sharia law is fiscally conservative, with only a 2.5% tax. He's trying to win over support, converts, sympathy, etc., and he'll get some, which is truly very sad. Video below the fold...
Update: David Brooks has similar thoughts:
Update: the whole video, part 1 of 3:
Here's part 2, and here's part 3. For some reason this video isn't lasting long on the internet.
And here is CNN's body language analysis:
If you like it, link it | 1 Comment:
Yeah the video is just plain weird, an attempt to throw us off? Off of what? Global warming, big corporations, conspiracy.. what gives with the Marxist rhetoric? And the beard too.
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