This is the Georgian spy drone shot down by the Russians recently:
I'm pretty busy this week, so don't expect much here until next week.
1:13 PM
In this weeks edition...
As our invaders warm up for next weeks amnesty march we thought we'd take a look at one of the darkest costs of modern immigration: slavery!
100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders, when will the madness stop?
Download for your iPod here.
You can read the entire Mayday demands list here. (I know it's hard to read on the screen, as you'll see it's quite lengthy!)
8:35 PM
In the spirit of Democratic party fragmentation, GO CINDY!
Getting on the ballot will be the easy part for Sheehan. If she becomes a recognized candidate, she'll be challenging one of the best-known and most powerful Democrats in the country in Pelosi, a 10-term incumbent who routinely collects around 80 percent of the vote in the San Francisco-only district.
Election challenges are nothing new to Pelosi, who has faced token Republican opposition in most of her November races, along with occasional primary challenges. But since she beat former San Francisco Supervisor Harry Britt in the 1987 special election to replace the late Rep. Sala Burton, Pelosi's political resume has been short of opponents anyone other than local political junkies has ever heard of.
11:44 PM
Video of La Raza seizing a bridge and asking for ID to prove a point or something. Just a warning, the f-words are used, both of them.
Via Ace.
1:17 PM
Tired of Junk Mail?
Better yet, tired of junk laying around?
Update: We all need to be on the Brady Campaign's mailing list.
1:01 PM
How are they going to continue to justify granting massive power to government?
“This is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record, and it puts us back to where we were in 1930,” Chapman wrote in The Australian Wednesday. “If the temperature does not soon recover, we will have to conclude that global warming is over.”I like how he phrased that, if temperatures do not recover, as if the end of global warming would be a bad thing. Bad for Al Gore and his legion of statists perhaps.
2:41 PM
More or less. I think he was still experiencing the effects from his flaming red-hot tantrum, induced by the news that Hillary beat the Obamessiah (compounded by the fact that Fox called it first -- and was right). But I guess that describes most of the nutroots; without outrage, where is the motivation to blog?
Nevertheless a Hillary win, for some reason, doesn't really matter:
Remember, this is no longer a normal race. We're no longer talking delegate counts since bizarrely, the measure of victory in this primary has been discarded. We're no longer talking popular vote, since Clinton can't win that without throwing in a bunch of hypothetical "ifs" -- as in, "IF you count Michigan, and IF you count Florida, and IF you don't count the caucuses, and IF you don't count weekend contests, and IF you don't count black people..." You get the idea.No I don't get the idea. Obama can make the same argument, only if he makes it, it would be true: IF you don't count women, Obama has the popular vote. Hillary can't win without not counting black people? She has more votes than Obama, counting actual votes. Black people who voted included. Suggesting Hillary is discounting the black votes, to gain a talking point, is very unfair. But I guess you just have to pick up what Kos is puttin down or something. You get the idea.
Which campaign looks more electable on this front? The campaign that is flush with cash and can easily raise more, or the campaign that is scrambling to get out of debt?Last I checked, Americans elected candidates, not campaigns.
This contest is the logical reductio of the identity-group fetishization that they've been peddling for years. They're just feeling suckered because they plumped for the establishment diversity candidate and then found themselves out-diversified.Indeed. If Hillary's a racist, Kos is a misogynist.
10:25 AM
Oh the unintended consequences of open borders...
"The question is are we going to be a 21st century city with shared prosperity, or a Third World city with an elite group on top and most on near poverty wages?" he said.Via HotAir.
8:07 PM
That's pretty much what Brian Ross and Richard Esposito want you to think:
U.S. gun stores and gun shows are the source of more than 90 percent of the weapons being used by Mexico's ruthless drug cartels, according to U.S. and Mexican law enforcement officials.The story is headlined asking the question, Is the Second Amendment to blame?
U.S. efforts to stop the smuggling of tens of thousands of guns to Mexico, including high-powered assault weapons, have been hampered by lenient American gun laws...Are you f#cking kidding me? Ya think that gaping hole in our southern border might have sumthin' to do with it? What about the war on drugs; it's been raging for what, 30+ years, we surely got to have a handle on that by now, huh?
"It sure shows a lack of concern on our part for this piece of the problem," said Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., who has introduced legislation to give the ATF an additional $15 million to improve border efforts.Heh: Check out the accompanying picture:
In America, gangbangers can just walk into gun shops and load up on M60s willy nilly.-Brian Ross, super objectively unbiased special ABC News investigative reporter, on the evil guns, and their evil distributors.
3:37 PM
President Bush has set a record he'd presumably prefer to avoid: the highest disapproval rating of any president in the 70-year history of the Gallup Poll.And Harry Truman is remembered as a great president; somehow I don't think Bush will be remembered so positively.
In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday, 28% of Americans approve of the job Bush is doing; 69% disapprove. The approval rating matches the low point of his presidency, and the disapproval sets a new high for any president since Franklin Roosevelt.
The previous record of 67% was reached by Harry Truman in January 1952, when the United States was enmeshed in the Korean War.
2:02 PM
I must admit that my wife puts out more than many women, but here's another news flash: It isn't because she's a fabulously horny human being. Left to her own devices, she would doubtless park her bon-bon bloated ass on the couch and watch the Lifetime Movie Network like some sitcom "ugly best friend." The reason Jenny "puts out" as much as she does (an offensive terminology that itself suggests who's really into our physical relationship) is simple: She doesn't have a choice.Good stuff. Read the whole thing for context.
8:05 PM
Star Parker on socialism, via Captain Ed:
Somebody has something that someone else wants. That’s covetousness. So we hire a politician to steal it.
6:21 PM
One of these three will be leading the free world, fighting terrorism, confronting the most pressing national and global issues for the next four years. But not before they land a flying elbow or two:
3:37 PM
In this weeks edition...
Jobs Americans Won't Do? We don't think so!
MemeWatch: Require?
100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders! When will the madness end?
Download the show for your iPod here.
Make sure to check out this weeks sponsor:
9:43 AM
In Chicago, the land of strict gun control and a handgun ban, this weekend alone 31 32 people were shot. Yes, thirty-one. Make that thirty-two.
In an especially violent weekend, no less than 31 people have been shot in Chicago -- six fatally -- and two people have been stabbed since noon Friday. The shooting victims range in age from 12 to 65.Since Chicago gun control is working so well, public officials are demanding more of it.
"Welcome to the liberal Land of Lincoln, where only the innocent and law-abiding live in fear."
5:52 PM
Check out his post at The Corner. Here's a taste:
SMOKING would be banned for everyone born next year, junk food would be taxed and everyone would be subjected to a fitness test by 2020...Postmodern Western Civ. Or should that be post-rational Western Civ.
2:05 PM
Legalize it. Then half of them would find no compelling reason to smoke it, let alone celebrate it.
It's Hitler's birthday??? Huh. More anniversaries here, and here.
1:10 PM
Update: From the Jawa Report: One Rozita E. Swinton, pledged Obama delegate:
Wow. Obama might want to rethink just who is embittered."In her little baby voice, she said, 'If you rescue me, and I get out of here, do you think the black people will hurt me?' " Walker said. "She had done her homework. She knew it was a racist cult. We know that these kids are very frightened of black people.
"The Texas Rangers told us she was obsessed with the FLDS. They confiscated tons of material on the FLDS (in the search of Swinton's home). She even gave real addresses and real names of FLDS people."
FLDS women who were in state shelters with their children until Monday say investigators appeared desperate to find "Sarah" and were grilling girls by that name. ...It's increasingly looking like a sole individual has the power to destroy the lives of hundreds of men, women and children, with complicity and force of arms by the state, so long as the victims lifestyles are frowned upon. It's a sad day in the land of the free when a ton of social bias outweighs an ounce of evidence.
On Monday, hours after being separated from the children taken into state custody, FLDS women claimed authorities appeared driven to find Sarah.
"They are trying to pin it on anybody named Sarah," said Annette, who is back at the YFZ Ranch after more than a week in custody with her six children and five nieces and nephews she is raising.
A former polygamist sect member says a Colorado Springs woman who called her posing as a young abused girl could be the same person whose complaints led to a massive child protection raid in West Texas.Anonymous claims are dangerous, and any raid based upon such claims are completely irresponsible. It has yet to be told what exactly happened, but this is another dig at the state's moral authority.
Former Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints member Flora Jessop said in a phone interview today that she first received a call from a woman, since identified as Rozita Swinton of Colorado Springs, claiming to be Sarah on March 31...
Swinton, 33, was arrested at her home Wednesday evening on charges of false reporting in two Colorado cases, but Texas Rangers were present for the arrest, Colorado Springs police said.
3:08 PM
Browsing the leftosphere, I came across this headline at TPM:
"Hillary Privately Blasted "The Activist Base Of The Democratic Party" For Caucus Defeats"
And her offending statement:
"We have been less successful in caucuses because it brings out the activist base of the Democratic Party. MoveOn didn't even want us to go into Afghanistan. I mean, that's what we're dealing with."Oh my, quite the blasphemer.
7:29 PM
Just a thought.
From his piss-poor performance at the debate to his gracious display of sign language, I think he takes comfort in the fact that he sees the finish line.
3:20 AM
At a rally, where he somewhat ironically, speaks of people "stirring up controversy."
Cute. Very presidential. Certainly this is what Americans expect from a guy who not only transcends, but will cure all the negative stuff about America, through a mature, open and honest conversation with America.
For a guy sorely lacking in the experience department, Barack Friedrich Engels Obama doubtless will make the country at ease with such mature displays of statesmanship, not to mention good judgment.
Here's the vid:
And the story with a better picture.
I have to agree with Ace on this:
Could be a bit of a trap. He keeps claiming that it's trivial to bring up nonsense like whether or not he buddies around with terrorists (let's not bicker and argue about 'oo killed 'oo). It's possible that he did this intentionally to stir up debate over a trivial issue so he can 1) change the subject and 2) cry out, "See? See the sorts of silliness they're using as distractions? [hyperlink added]Update: I don't know how it is not Obama's attempt at bird humor. Listen to the speech, the tone of the speech, the audience, and look at that tweetie just taunting Hillary:
2:20 AM
I had to delete my Feedburner feed because it was causing me problems, like being unable to edit anything through Feedburner or Bloglines.
Here's the new feed, hopefully this will take care of it.
If you subscribed using the original atom or blogger feed you should be fine.
9:47 PM
And pins them there until the police arrive, really:
"I grabbed him by the T-shirt and held my fist to his face. I was ready to kick his butt," Carole Penzabene said after she thwarted the attempted robbery.
Police responded to a Madison Heights home in the area of 12 Mile and Dequindre roads around 11 p.m. Wednesday to find a 20-year-old man and an 18-year-old woman pinned to the ground by Penzabene.
The couple was arrested and is waiting to be arraigned Friday on breaking and entering and home invasion charges.
8:52 PM
Regarding Hillary's and Obama's recent attempts to get it; is like
an election race of Pat Robertson versus James Dobson, each of them appearing at organic grocery stores and Starbucks throughout Massachusetts, with each candidate insisting that he alone deserves the vote of gay-marriage advocates.Heh.
12:56 PM
...or something.
Newsbusters has more w/video on TIME's sorry choice of imagery.
11:19 AM
Is one of the freest kinds of speech in America, for individuals at least.
For organizations it isn't. Because of people like this, it probably won't be for a while.
11:01 AM
I don't blame her -- it's the nature of being a Clinton.
But this has to hurt:
Via the "true conservative" Obama-lover.
12:43 AM
In the debate tonight, Charles Gibson asked both democratic candidates why the sudden switch from emphasizing gun control to emphasizing gun rights.
Senator Clinton did about as good as an anti-gun candidate could do -- that is, support the Second Amendment, with a lot of exceptions. But Senator Barack Ernesto Guevara Obama decided the best answer was honesty.
"I have never favored an all out ban on handguns."
Did I say honesty? I meant a bald-faced lie.
Here's the questionnaire Gibson is referring to.
If Obama is telling the truth, then handwriting doesn't much matter; it means that this questionnaire falsely represents Obama's views by supporting a ban on handguns.
But it doesn't. He clearly supported the District of Columbia's complete ban on handguns, not very long ago. That and his voting record on guns doesn't really lend credence to Obama's newfound support for the right to arms.
So much for an Honest Conversation with America. But don't fear, Obama merely advocates commonsense gun control, like ending the practice of concealed carry permits:
"I am not in favor of concealed weapons," Obama said. "I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations."And other reasonable things like when he voted against exceptions to restrictions in cases of self defense. And this makes him just like you and me folks, just like you and me.
"He may have jotted some notes on the front page of the questionnaire at the meeting, but that doesn't change the fact that some answers didn't reflect his views. His 11 years in public office do."That's just as damning, no?
6:55 PM
Please go here, register and behold what Austin Bay has managed to do with the internet.
It's a must-need refresher for those still trying to keep up with things in Iraq, and priceless for those who are just beginning to pay attention. The whole first segment is just over 20 minutes, and it's anything but boring. I had to watch the first part twice because I was still in awe over the fact that I was watching more than a video, clicking on all the links and browsing through chapters.At least watch the guest segment: the video is informative and thought-provoking, and the whole application includes accompanying slides including links to sources, complete with a poll, a notepad, and feedback options.
Did I say it was free? It is. Surprisingly it has no ads given the quality. Truly an impressive public service.
This is great work, do check it out.
9:06 PM
We have studies and you have dick jokes?-Say Uncle in response to this guy's cognitive dissonance, from a post on what is no doubt a pathetic attempt at traffic whoring.
9:08 AM
I don't know what made me laugh more, the headline "East and West Germany," or Ace's headline:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Breasts Threaten To Burst Out of Dress, Capture Poland
8:49 AM
In this weeks edition:
The true costs of illegal immigration: Healthcare!
100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders. When will the madness end?
100% Preventable follow up: One family faces the crushing grief caused by open borders and lax enforcement.
Download for your iPod here.
You can watch the entirety of the LA City Council meeting for "Jamiel's Law" here.
8:13 PM
From Megan McArdle:
The background: twenty people were at the Jefferson Memorial, dancing to the private groove of their own iPods so as not to disturb anyone. Apparently cops showed up and ordered them to disperse anyway, despite the fact that they were not doing anything obviously illegal. One of the libertarians joyfully (yet tastefully and quietly) celebrating the birthday of a favorite founding father questioned why they should have to move along--at which point one of DC's finest shoved them up against a pillar, cuffed their hands behind their back, and hauled them away...The officers should be canned. That would give the rest of them something more salient to help remember their boundaries, rather than what I expect to happen, which is little more than nothing.
As Julian notes, the problem here is not that one of my friends, an educated white girl, had to spend five hours or so being harassed by the police. It is that the police think that questioning orders constitutes disorderly conduct. And that the result of questioning them is probably a lot more than moderate harassment when the questioner is not an educated white girl with a lot of camera toting friends.Bingo.
10:32 AM
This is contemptible. No attorney-client privilege and no law license is worth an innocent man's liberty.
Read the whole thing; what really struck me was this paragraph:
"If I had ratted him out ... then I could feel guilty, then I could not live with myself," he says. "I'm anguished and always have been over the sad injustice of Alton Logan's conviction. Should I do the right thing by Alton Logan and put my client's neck in the noose or not? It's clear where my responsibility lies and my responsibility lies with my client."
10:04 AM
I'm afraid I am. Via Digg.
Hmm. Lets see just how much of a hypocrite I am...
Browning TM hat: Made in China. For shame, Browning.
Shades: Made in Italy!
Carhartt shirt: Honduras?!?
Levis: Madagascar...
Belt: China.
Shoes: Wow, China again.
I don't even think my boxers are made in America... Nope, Costa Rica.
According to my clothing, I am only 3/7 hypocrite, and I am also apparently a world traveler. Not too bad, now if I could somehow figure out how to discriminately purchase non-Saudi gasoline.
7:23 PM
The author's argument boils down to "the more governors and useless loads we add to an engine, the more strongly the engine will run." It is just absurd. None of these guys have the first clue what it takes to run a business day to day, nor how much of a business owner's time and effort is aimed not at service customers better, and not at being more productive, and not at making employees happier or better trainined, but at responding to the latest mass of government regulation, paperwork, liscensing, taxes, and other total crap.
12:05 PM
In this weeks edition:
Importing Mexico? Where is the roughest neighborhood in Mexico? LA!
Reconquista the musical! Mexican rapper demands amnesty makes threats!
100% Preventable! Americans continue to pay the bloody price for open borders. When will the madness end?
Download for your iPod here.
You can watch the entire El Chivo 'Si Si Puede' video here.
11:20 AM
Senator Reid said so.
I think this guy might disagree:
A landowner with "strong anti-government attitudes" barricaded himself in his rural home Thursday and fired shots at SWAT officers trying to search his home and arrest him, authorities said. No one was injured.
The dispute started Monday when Richland County sheriff's deputies tried to serve Robert Bayliss, 60, with a lawsuit seeking to evict him for failure to pay property taxes back to 2001 on his home and 18 acres, Richland county counsel Benjamin Southwick said.
4:25 PM
I will say that 22,000 students marching for concealed carry on campus is, to say the least, very interesting. It's actually quite heartening.
But this happened on March 19th, and in internet terms, that's old and busted. Which is why this is all the more interesting: a two week old story makes it to the front page and in the top five of Over a thousand comments on the story, many to this effect:
Has it occurred to any gun control advocates that criminals aren't really concerned about the legality of possessing a firearm?That was the most popular comment determined by its own number of diggs. I don't visit daily, but I do know that over 1200 comments for a story is a lot, and I was surprised to learn that in this thread the pro-gun comments were by far the most popular. Compare with the anti-gun comments:
Gun control legislation and taxes only hurts 1 group of people: the law abiding citizens.
12:51 AM
The Leningrad Cowboys and the Red Army Choir singing... Sweet Home Alabama
Via Fark where there's more about the band and the Red Army Choir.
5:23 PM
So what am I supposed to do? Give you a fool today? Or rather, make you the fool?
Who cares, John McCain has an awesome new ad.
1:04 PM