This, from Reuters, is yet more from the humble & benevolent UN:
Predictable?GENEVA (Reuters) - Five United Nations human rights experts on Wednesday urged the closure of the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay after last week's suicides there that they said were predictable given the harsh conditions.
The experts, who have repeatedly asked for the detention facility in Cuba to be shut, said the simultaneous suicides of three inmates on June 10 heightened concerns about the mental health of the camp's approximately 460 detainees.
In a statement released in Geneva, the group said the three deaths were "to a certain extent foreseeable in light of the harsh and prolonged conditions of their detention and reinforces the need for the urgent closure of the detention center."
We should only hope so, you out-of-touch statist wastes of space.
And just what and where are we to put the Gitmo residents?
Antarctica may be a good place.
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