Welcome to the fourth edition of the Second Amendment Carnival!
Providing the best 2nd Amendment Coverage the blogosphere has to offer.
...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
It insures that the people are the equal of their government whenever that government forgets that it is servant and not master of the governed. When the British forgot that they got a revolution. And, as a result, we Americans got a Constitution; a Constitution that, as those who wrote it were determined, would keep men free. --Ronald Reagan
The militia is our ultimate safety... We can have no security without it. The great object is that every man be armed. Every one who is able may have a gun. --Patrick Henry
Intricate gun show-terrorist nexus exposed by the Brady campaign! The War on Guns never stops.
Legislation, regulation, litigation... to stop criminals, err guns. Alphecca on the Democrats and the lawless Republican.
A pistol packing Wal-Mart shopper. We need more guys like this.
Do guns just go off? If you're an idiot, they just may. And find out just which safety is best at Blogonomicon.
Miami and Vice, and anti-gun media bias. Pro-gun Progressive delivers.
We have the police, no need for minutemen, so why have the Second Amendment? Cam Edwards answers.
The NRA wouldn't give a member the run-around now would it? Gunblogger Mr. Completely hopes not.
Addiction to firearm regulation, an anomaly and nonsensical. Get schooled in Arms and the Law
The right to defend ones' self in Illinois. Are prosecutors really that dumb? No Quarters states the obvious.
The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms. --Adolph Hitler
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