Providing the best 2nd Amendment coverage the blogosphere has to offer.
...if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the... districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair. The usurpers, clothed with the forms of legal authority, can too often crush the opposition in embryo. -Alexander Hamilton
The Last Action Hero, on the wrong side of the War on Guns.
And help ask this candidate to not turn his back on the 2nd Amendment.
Acme Anvil shares our feelings with the passing of Colonel Jeff Cooper.
And should we be hating guns or reducing crime?
Front Sight, Press notices his gun is inanimate, so why all the gun crime?
Banning guns where they are most needed, considered a win for the cities?!? If we now could only figure out how to make criminals obey the law. Times like this require a Keyboard and a .45
Liars and their Second Amendment victims. Don't Say Uncle to the anti-gunners.
Hungry for 2nd Amendment news? Then Gun Law News is Thanksgiving dinner.
What a shocker, Alphecca on Dianne Feinstein and her blocking of ATF legislation.
Got your tickets to the Gun blogger rendezvous? Better hurry.
As always, there are guns galore at the Carnival of Cordite.
Perhaps another reason the UN wants a gun ban. Better know your Arms and the Law, and that you might be criminalized as a victim
Michael Bane discovers the unintended consequences of gun control. The Squirrel apocalypse!
Don't agitate the Agitator, or have a SWAT team invade the wrong address, again.
"the ultimate authority ... resides in the people alone" -James Madison
Many thanks to all those who participated in this edition, and stay tuned for Carnival VI. If you would like to participate in the next 2nd Amendment Carnival please go here, or submit via email to
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