The Huffington Post's Ned Lamont Concession Speech is Arianna's way of slapping Lamont accross the face for crossing the nutroots by moving to the middle, and not speaking from the heart:
Far too often politicians don't speak from the heart until it's too late.Sure it could be an attempt at a wake up call for Lamont, but I think it's more of the Leftist in them to instinctively cut and run.
Freed from their consultants, they finally summon the passion and purpose that drove them into politics in the first place -- ironically turning into the candidates they should have been all along.
We desperately need Ned Lamont to get to that point now, while there is still time...
The nutroots do indeed feel double-crossed by Lamont, not because he's doing as every candidate does late in the campaign by moving to the center, but because he is losing. I mean they would not support a loser.
The concession speech is the nutroot's justification for jumping ship, they have to cut before they can run. Laying out a concession speech, a mandate which won't and cannot be followed for a political candidate, relieves them of their duty to support a losing Lamont.
Typical for the far-left, to conveniently blame the captain for their very own sinking ship as they jump off. The only one who has been double-crossed is Ned Lamont.
Linked by the mighty Instapundit and Eric Scheie. Thanks!
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The nutroots at least.
The fact that Lieberman is endorsed by Ann Coulter is enough for most CT voters to vomit and vote for Lamont. For 199 other reasons to vote against Leiberman see the well researched list at
Hmm, "anonymous" is apparently trolling. Must have marching orders from Markos "Screw Them" Moulitsas, because "Condi Lice" posted the same thing--four times--on another blog linked by Insty on this same topic.
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