What is with Ron Paul? I mean have a look at the GOP straw poll, as well as several other internet polls, he's leading the charge. Although they are not scientific (even though today's scientific polls are increasingly facing obscurity due to the shrinking population of those using landline phones), Ron Paul is undeniably an internet sensation.
Just have a look at a few of these screenshots (click to enlarge):
From today's Technorati:
The current results of the GOP Straw Poll:
And three of the same Ron Paul clips are on Youtube's Politics & News top ten most viewed today:
Paul is also in Youtube's top ten of the most viewed this week in Politics & News, as well as having been barred from LGF's polls and Pajamas Media polls.
Is it an army of online Paul trolls, or just an army of online Paul supporters who don't believe in landline phones? With Libertarians it could just as easily be one or the other, or both.
Here's the second interview of Paul on Maher's show, going viral on Youtube:
For good or ill, I doubt Paul has a chance in hell of winning the presidency, let alone the nomination, but he's schooling the other candidates on how to take advantage of the internet, and they'd be wise to pay attention.
Maybe it's the nutroots who love Ron Paul because the Republicans hate him, thus the strong online support. I am just having a hard time believing it's a small group of internet savvy Paul supporters trolling the whole internet. I think it's an odd group, more unusual than this country has seen in recent history: quick to click, but slow to fork out a dollar.
I love Ron Paul on guns, on abortion, on smaller government, on taxes, but he is too isolationist for me. A clincher for me. Honestly he's right that we need to have a serious reworking of our foreign policy, but he's wrong about how much we're to blame for terrorism. Blowback happens, even in isolation. And frankly, I'd like to have a man in the ring rather than an empty corner.
Seriously, what was his plan for the Soviet Union? Were we just supposed to let them expand their empire and gain more control over the world's oil supply because 30 years down the road these Islamists will turn against us? Get real. If Ron Paul has got 30 years of good foresight, I'd vote for him, but I'd bet it is more like opportunistic 30-year retrospective quarterbacking.
At this point only two people across the aisle peak my interest, Fred Thompson and Bill Richardson.
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Ron's, supporters are spamming the silly blog polls, LGF has highlighted this, Charles is a geek after all. They are trying to play an internet game with us. Yeah, he makes sense here and there he lost most of the time. I have been a Mitt supporter from day one so I am biased of course. Ron just needs to stay right where he is in the House as a no vote on everything.
Dang Stan, glad to refind ya, you have been reposted in the Barnyard.
Thanks Goat. I'll stop by more often.
Hotair has more, it seems a realistic breakdown shows GOP voters are generally favorable of the top three,plus Newt and Fred, with nods here and there to Huckabee and Hunter. Supporters of these candidates found RP these least acceptable by an overwhelming majority. Mitt meanwhile is picking up steam.
RP's isolationist approach is dangerous. Terrorists aren't going to stop brainwashing their children from birth to hate Jews and Americans just because the U.S. goes passive on the world. Reminds me of the bumper stickers that simply say "Coexist"...yes, the libs in the US may simply want to coexist, but the muslim terrorists have "convert or die" on their bumper stickers. It's a sweet sentiment to think t we can pull in the rugs, close the shutters and coexist all by ourselves, but it's not realistic. Fred Thompson is an interesting possibility.
Ron Paul is not an isolationist at all! He is a non-interventionist. Big difference.
Check out an article I wrote about Ron Paul titled, The “Goldwater” Conservative. It is about the importance of Ron Paul in the Republican Party.
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Ron Paul is the only reason I haven't left the Republican party after Bush swelled the government larger than it was during our time under Clinton. Now I've decided that I have no reason to leave, but I think many people who falsely clai themselves "Republicans" should. This is a Conservative Party. 80% of todays "Republicans" are nothing but ex-Democrat "Power Liberals"
If the US hadn't "intervened" (it's actually called imperialism) 30 years ago we could have saved a ton of money to invest in new free energy solutions. We wouldn't be fighting today over black ooze that's fueling the world's cancer. Of course that would have only happened if the corporations hadn't have bought the government in 1931.
...and demi, you're right. The terrorists aren't going to stop brainwashing kids. Just look at the youth of America.
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