Yeah you read that right. Well, more accurately, soccer balls for us Americans.
According to the BBC, Afghans are up in arms so to speak, over the ignorance of the U.S. military for distributing soccer balls which sport various flags, including the Saudi flag which includes the text "Allah."
It's patently absurd. It's not like we replaced the big bold letters of "WILSON" with "ALLAH." What do they expect, the Military to censor the Saudi Arabian flag? Oh that's right, just take it off:
Saudi Arabia has complained to the World Cup's ruling body in the past about the use of its flag on footballs.I guess the idea of kicking around a Koranic verse is a no-no. So I suggest we give them America's trademark commercialized logo, a soccer ball covered in stars and stripes. They can have fun kicking that around. But I'm sure without missing a beat, they'll ironically complain about that too.
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