In this piece, Laura Washington, a columnist for the Sun-Times exhibits jealousy, fear, and finishes with vengeance:
They [the gun control advocates] are consistently cowed and overmatched. Gun violence is out of control, yet the gun lovers are ascendant. [...]Hey Laura, read this.
You think we've got problems now? Just listen to Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor and Republican presidential aspirant. At a recent Conservative Political Action Conference, he bragged, "I'm not a newcomer to the NRA," the New York Times reported on its political blog. "I was the first governor to have a conceal-carry permit, so don't mess with me." [...]
Do you want to be standing in line for gas, popcorn or a gallon of milk and find yourself next to someone who's packing heat? [...]
Let's get organized and shove tougher gun policies right down their throats.
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The thing that the anti-gun crowd conveniently seems to forget is that the issue is NOT about what public opinion wants, it's about freedoms that are GUARANTEED by the United States Constitution. So while she and her rhinestone studded boots wearing friends are trying to shove tougher gun policies down gun advocates throats, maybe they should chew on the Constitution and freedoms a bit. I think it might choke them
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