UPDATE: Oh come on Senator, just resign and get this out of our way quickly. Here's video of the presser.
Vid thanks to Allahpundit
***From ABC News:
Craig will give a statement this afternoon concerning his arrest at 4:30 p.m. Eastern time in downtown Boise, a spokesman said. Craig's staff said he would not take questions.Via Hot Air's headlines.
As rumors swirl through the Beltway that Craig, who has voted against gay marriage and opposes extending special protections to gay and lesbian crime victims, might step down, some of his longtime allies have denounced his behavior and called for his resignation.
It doesn't bother me that his voting record and his apparent homosexuality give the impression of hypocrisy, it's his disrespect of his own marriage, and blatant disregard for dignity of office.
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Larry Craig comedy video-
He's totally not gay. He said so, four times. If it had been two or three, then I'd have given a wink to the TV, because that would have meant the opposite. Had it been five or more, then we'd have the whole Macbeth 'methinks the Lady doth overprotest' deal, and we would know.
But no, he denied it four times, exactly. He's absolutely not at all gay. You can take it to the bank.
Seriously folks, this is why one needs to weigh the negatives of political alliances instead of just adding votes to the total in order to win. Whatever Senator Craig's deal is (and it's really none of anyone's business: seventh grade was over a long time ago), that's between husband and wife. Yet we're going to hear our 'allies' piously condemn the Senator and distance themselves from him, and ignore all the good work he has done so far. Give the man a break, OK? I don't mean give him a Pass; he needs a good slap upside his empty head. Public Exile is not always the answer.
I don't care if he's gay and has sex with multiple partners... whatever he and his wife agree to.
I don't want to ridicule him, all I want from him is an immediate resignation.
I guess he was good with the NRA and bad on immigration enforcement, though it doesn't much matter now. The reality is that he plead guilty to an ugly offense, and he's assuredly going to be ridiculed by the right and left.
He would do himself, and this country a great service by resigning.
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