Army Veteran Jim Brossard, taking action few seem prepared to take.
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Jim Brossard, now a famous American Patriot, on the Mike Gallagher radio show:
And on Cavuto's show:
Army Veteran Jim Brossard, taking action few seem prepared to take.
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Jim Brossard, now a famous American Patriot, on the Mike Gallagher radio show:
And on Cavuto's show:
by Stan at 3:20 PM
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Good Job Jim
God Bless You Jim! I wish everyone in America was as brave as you !
Thank you Jim!! If the police wont do their job, unfortunately it's up to people like us, lest our country be taken away.
Makes me wish I could buy him a beer.
Bravo, Jim.
Yes Bravo Jim for breaking the law. Despite what has been reported, according the ACLU, flying 2 flags on 1 pole, even if another flag is above the American flag is not a crime. If it was, it would be against the 1st Amendment and therefore unconstitutional and unAmerican. Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of America and therefore anybody that supports the Jim Brossards are unAmerican and unpatriotic for they are denying people their right to free speech and expression. Jim Broassard is guilty of theft, and he may be guilty of secondary crime like harrassment and threats. Bravo Jim, you sure are a hot-headed, unAmerican pseudo-patriot.
Good on you for pointing out the obvious. May you insult your country and flag because you.. can.
Jim was justified in ways people like you don't understand.
"Jim was justified in ways people like you don't understand"
-Typical arrogant comment. What ways are these, oh wise one?
Also, it is simply hypocrisy to support this man's actions. He broke the law. He violated someone's freedom of speech. He vandalized someone's property. He threatened this person, and brandished a weapon in public.
What I don't understand is how this man can be treated like a hero. So now it's ok to bend/break the law depending on what philosophies or worldviews are involved? What's the next step. This is ludicrous. Him getting away with it is one thing, but putting him on a pedestal on national TV with his smug face and ridiculous beard is a mockery of the constitution. It's hypocrisy, plain and simple. It's just a step or two away from uniting church and state, because it's certainly not anywhere near being a boon for justice and freedom.
As a former NCO in the US Army and Vet, Jim made me fill with pride. He didn't hesitate to take action, acton most pussified Americans would not. God bless him and my prays will be with him.
I just wish more Americans were like Jim.
"According to the ACLU...." Yes run the the ACLU for your info. The feedback regarding this issue is overwhelmingly in support of what Jim did. Yes he is a hero. Come to the greatest country in the world but follow our customs, laws and speak our langauge. I'm sick and tired of the recording that state "pesss 1 for Spanish". People are getting fed up with people flaunting the freedoms that thousands fought and died for. Keep it up and it will only get worse. He showed restraint. The weapon he brandished was an army issued knife - he was trained in its use and he did not threaten anyone's safety.
Then to ridicule his beard is getting childish.
I'm sure more people would stand behind Jim than oppose him - I'd like to buy him a beer as well. GREAT JOB JIM.
Way to go Jim!!!!!
Thats what I'm talking about. Instead of putting Jim in the hot seat, fry the store owner for breaking the law.
If everyone bought Jim a beer that are prouder for the action he took he would never have to buy another beer in his life.
It doesn't make much sense to reference the ACLU in matters of law, does it? It does make sense, however, to reference the United States Code Title 4 Section 7 (4USC7) which states:
Part c: "No other flag or pennant should be placed above...the flag of the United States of America."
Part g: "When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace."
The USC does not put forward punishment for violations, as that's to be handled by the State or local authorities, but that doesn't make it any less of a law. Thankfully, what the ACLU wants to be law differs slightly from what actually is law. Just thought I'd point that out.
U.S. Code does, in fact, specify fines and/or imprisonment for violating the code relative to our nation's flag.
I met with Jim Brossard on 10/08 just to shake his hand and tell him "Job well done" from this Marine. OOOO Rah!
Breaking the law may not be right, but at times, it is necessary to convey what America stands for (Boston Tea Party). If you support this store owner, please move to Mexico. There are plenty of store owners like this there and you can look at their flags fly all day. In America, if we let people do things like this, there will be no more US in the future. If we stand for nothing, we will fall for anything.
I have a question... If YOU guys can't even agree whether it is legal or not, to put a flag from an other country above the American flag, then how should that Mexican guy know? I didn't know it was illegal, but I still love America!! I'm from Germany and I applied for a student visa like I was supposed to, I go to school in Texas, and eventually I will have to go back to Germany (unfortunately)... I think it's sad that people come to this country illegally, and it makes me angry sometimes, because it makes it harder for people like me to immigrate to America, people that would be a great asset to this country! ;) And then there are people that cheat to get here, and they don't even speak ENGLISH?!?! And for some reason they don't feel like they need to after they have lived here for years?! Because yes, I understand that maybe in Mexico there are no bookstores where people can buy a Spanish-English dictionary for a buck or two, so they can learn English before they come here! But in America there are tons of bookstores and libraries where it's FREE to learn English.... so no more excuses like "Oh well maybe they just didn't have the opportunity to learn English"...That is such... I don't even know the word for that! So if that man is one of "those" people (and with "those" I mean people that are parasites to this country and not contributing anything) then yes, I agree, Jim is my hero also! But has anyone asked the Mexican if he knew that what he did was wrong? Maybe he wasn't an illegal immigrant, maybe he spoke English perfectly, and maybe he loves America as much as we do? Does anyone know, or did you guys just assume all of this?... I'd really like to know!
The fact is that Jim Brossard is just a dumbass redneck, and I hope he goes to jail for stealing that storeowner's property, vandalism, and menacingly displaying a knife in public. As it turns out, that Mexican storeowner came to this country LEGALLY and is actually a U.S. citizen, and not an illegal alien like everybody seems to ASSume. He WAS trying to respect our flag by flying it in the first place. How many Mexicans do you know of who even bother to fly it at all? He just wasn't aware of the specific guidelines. Did Jim even try to discuss the problem with the storeowner or the local police before taking out his knife and going off half-cocked like that? Of course he didn't, he was too busy trying to be a goddamn "hero". It is NOT illegal ANYWHERE in the U.S. to fly a foreign flag above the American flag. Yes, there is a list of rules in the U.S. Code regarding flag etiquette, but it does not impose any penalties for violating it, nor can any state or local government do so because that would be a direct violation of the First Amendment. In fact, Jim was the one who really desecrated the American flag that day by violating the principles and the laws which it represents. You CANNOT value a symbol more than what it stands for!
If Jim had done this in other countries, he may have lost his life. Don't give me this first amendment garbage. When you get down to it, if it wasn't for America, that man may not have had the means to own his own business. The flag stands for equality. It should not be beneath any other countries flag. Most of all Old Glory. Bravo Jim!
He can drink for free at my bar for life.
I think that it is ridiculous that this even a topic of discussion. This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA americans fought and died for this country. not for people like this store owner to disrespect it. If he doesn't have the common sense to know that what he was doing was wrong he has no right being in AMERICA. I am sick of hearing people complain about our country. If you don't like it then leave if not respect it be proud to be American! It is sad that people think what this guy did was right.
I came to this Country in 1973 from Canada. We learned the language the culture and the ways of the United States. If you people want to move here learn the language, learn our ways or go back to where you came from and complain in your country and see if your goverment puts up with your crap. This is a great country being ruined by a bunch of whinners and politics!
Listen , everybody knows the mexican flag was being flown in protest and the local authorities didn't know how to handle the situation. As long as we have folks like Mr. Brossard american pride will and America will stand strong. Love America or leave it but hurry before they finish the fence and you get stuck here.
There IS no question of the legality of the issue of flag raising. It is clearly defined. The person who removed the flag did so AFTER authorities were contacted repeatedly and did not do their job and respond to an infringement of the law. Presumably those contacted were not veterans, never saw their friends wrapped in that flag after dying for it. For a foreign nation to raise a foreign flag above American is an act of war, for a citizen it is an act of treason.
The argument that the business owner might not have been aware of the law? Quite true. In fact he probably didn't know. However, ignorance of the law is not a legally acceptable excuse. Try murdering and saying you didn't realize it was against the law as your legal defense sometime.
Jim Brossard's actions fall into a grey area. I think there might have been a more appropriate way to handle the situation, namely first talking to the business owner and explaining the law and see if he would comply with it peacably. I do not know if that was previously done or not. But if it WAS done, and as I know law enforcement repeatedly failed to uphold the law? All I can say is well done Jim. I'll interpret that as a derivation of citizen's arrest and seizure, responding to crime.
Anyone wishing to fly a Mexican flag above American is welcome to do so.
In Mexico.
If you are a patriot with allegiance to another nation, please go there and make room for the countless people turned away every day at immigrations who WANT to be here. Just go home.
I'm not an American but I have great respect for a man who is passionate about his national flag and is willing to stand up and be counted when others are not.
For all of you who are saying that he should have asked the store owner to take it down first, or that the store owner didn't know it was illegal, listen to the news reports again. The store owner had been asked by several citizens to correct the problem, and HAD been advised that it was illegal by some of the same people. So ignorance of the law is not the case here. Jim, same as any American citizen has the right to correct an illegal act. If you see a guy stealing your neighbors car and stop him, have you violated his rights? If you see a guy beating his dog with a broomhandle and you take it away from him have you stolen his private property, and violated his right to freedom of expression? Oh wait, I just re-read the the 1st amendment I missed the freedom of expression part, mostly because there is nothing said about freedom of expression, freedom of speech is there but the word expression is nowhere to be found. This is just another way that the 1st amendment has been twisted to match what people want it to say so that it backs their agenda. Thank you Jim for having the balls to enforce the law whene the pussylitical correct people who are supposed to be enforcing it wouldn't. You were in the right and within the law.
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