I don't know how long Drudge has had this story linked, but I just noticed it. I can't help but ask myself, why are these stories so increasingly abundant?
The boy was suspended for three days this month for allegedly committing a “hate crime” by using the expression “brown people.”The term is not politically correct, but it's hardly offensive. If it is offensive, by any objective measure, then calling Americans with European ancestry "white people" is also offensive. Tell me how it isn't.
In an interview Monday, Voinovich would not address her comments, first saying she didn't remember the incident, then demanding a copy of the recording and finally insisting that she could not talk about a student's discipline.
The circumstances of the boy’s suspension itself raise troubling questions about student discipline, interrogation and oversight at Abraham Lincoln.
According to school officials, the boy made a statement about “brown people” to another elementary student with whom he was having a conflict. They maintain it was his second offense using the phrase.
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