Providing the best 2nd Amendment coverage the blogosphere has to offer.
"[R]esistance to sudden violence, for the preservation not only of my person, my limbs, and life, but of my property, is an indisputable right of nature which I have never surrendered to the public by the compact of society, and which perhaps, I could not surrender if I would." -John Adams
Washington D.C. thinks it's above the Constitution, or something. Then again, that's nothing new.***
Relatively new however, is the idea of equating the right to arms as a racism and slavery enabler, when quite the opposite is true. Wonder if this guy was part of that strong scholarship.
So the Second Amendment is obsolete, huh. It seems the park service is trying to prove that. Maybe it is, but maybe it just needs to be updated.
The politics of hypocrites... Thank God it's just a few celebrities who say one thing and do another while making fools of themselves, otherwise we'd be in trouble.
Government 101: How to make the government worse than it is now. Unfortunately, most of these guys have aced the course. Rest assured, the NRA is on top of things, like how I am frequently on top of my couch.
Guns and crime together is nasty, but it's nasty in an oil and water sort of way... Take away the guns, and you'll be lucky if you're just left with crime.
Then again, with moral authority like this, non-sequiturs and spurious arguments have no effect on your momentary expertise and credibility.
Hmm... A win-win when it comes to D.C. vs. Heller, unless you're anti-gun, then it's win or lose.
Guns can be fun, a lot of fun... but sometimes it's just plain funny. There is however, no excuse for this, unconscionable.
“Rank-and-file Americans wake up every morning increasingly bewildered and confused at why their views make them lesser citizens... Today, speaking with the courage of your own conviction can be so costly... that legislators won't lead, so citizens can't follow... and so there is no army to fight back. That's cultural warfare.” -Charlton Heston, 1997
“An unjust law is no law at all.” -Saint Augustine
“Rank-and-file Americans wake up every morning increasingly bewildered and confused at why their views make them lesser citizens... Today, speaking with the courage of your own conviction can be so costly... that legislators won't lead, so citizens can't follow... and so there is no army to fight back. That's cultural warfare.” -Charlton Heston, 1997
“An unjust law is no law at all.” -Saint Augustine

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I don't mind telling you that McCain staffers were complaining, this past weekend in New Hampshire at the Crowne Plaza hotel (where he was staying), about people attending the New Hampshire Liberty forum at that hotel, because the Liberty Forum attendees (and Ron Paul supporters) were carrying holstered guns! I think the attendees of the Liberty Forum who were exercising their 2nd amendment rights ought to send McCain's campaign a bill for additional security services!
That would be humorous if it weren't so sad. What does it say about the Republican establishment let alone McCain and his RINOs, I'm not surprised. Thanks for that little bit of info.
Another great carnival! Thank-you Sir!!
Thanks for the roundup, and the mention! Well done.
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