"...you can imagine the whole tableau – the computer (which most people in the world will never touch, let alone use, let alone own) the TV in the corner connected to a network that has channels catering to every taste, the iPod stocked with music hoovered up free of charge without consequence, the fridge stocked with food – the light comes on when you open the door, too, unless it’s burned out, and then you go to the store and get another one; they always have another one. The soft bed, the coffee machine, the well-fed pet, the vast panoply of free information and unfettered opinion flowing 24/7 from the internet. You can drink alcohol without being sentenced to death; you can be a girl alone in a room with a man without earning a public stoning; you can stand up in a room and argue for the candidate of your choice without being arrested; you stand in a society that allows for astonishing amounts of freedom, comfort and opportunity. But.
If you like it, link it | 1 Comment:
"Saved The World How Many Times?"
"Last Bastion of Freedom and Liberty"
"Being Destroyed From Within Our Borders"
"Being Sucked to Death By Socialism"
"Raised World Productivity 350% Since 1950"
"Still Great Inspite of Fifth Column"
To defend the "but" There is something wrong in our country, Sir. It isn't something we want to admit because we are afraid people will use it as ammo in their argument. But, it's true. Everybody sees it even if most can't identify what it is that is wrong. They just know they are afraid where they think they shouldn't be afraid. The know some sort of rot has been eating at the core. Most are to stupid to think about anything rationally, and so they blame whatever makes them feel good to blame (those making themselves easy to manipulate by the very rot they fear). But, to mock people because they are noting something is wrong in spite of all that is good, is to my eyes the same as being an ostrich with his head in the ground, something is wrong, but if we deny it, it will not be so.
Don't hack at the branches, attack the root (educate them to the cause).
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