That's pretty much what Brian Ross and Richard Esposito want you to think:
U.S. gun stores and gun shows are the source of more than 90 percent of the weapons being used by Mexico's ruthless drug cartels, according to U.S. and Mexican law enforcement officials.The story is headlined asking the question, Is the Second Amendment to blame?
U.S. efforts to stop the smuggling of tens of thousands of guns to Mexico, including high-powered assault weapons, have been hampered by lenient American gun laws...Are you f#cking kidding me? Ya think that gaping hole in our southern border might have sumthin' to do with it? What about the war on drugs; it's been raging for what, 30+ years, we surely got to have a handle on that by now, huh?
Nahh. Couldn't be those. It's the lack of gun control, we need more of it, because it works so well.
The BATFE would never lie to us either, they're the sole bureaucracy intent on solving the problem so they won't need to work anymore.
Don't worry about them though, once the gun thing is solved, BATFE will fix the border security thing:
"It sure shows a lack of concern on our part for this piece of the problem," said Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., who has introduced legislation to give the ATF an additional $15 million to improve border efforts.Heh: Check out the accompanying picture:
Fully auto M60, complete with red bandanna for effect.
In America, gangbangers can just walk into gun shops and load up on M60s willy nilly.-Brian Ross, super objectively unbiased special ABC News investigative reporter, on the evil guns, and their evil distributors.
Here's video. A lot of sensationalized crap. Not a word about the laxity of border security.
Update: Confederate Yankee, STACLU, and Say Uncle have more.
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I guess this means I need to become a Mexican if I want to excersise my 2nd ...
You won't be at all if Brian Ross can help it, apparently.
GAWD, what liars! Full-auto guns are NOT easily obtainable, and anyone that has one (or more) isn't about to sell them indiscriminately, or just let them be stolen! Not after all the federal hoops they have to jump through to get the guns in the first place! And so what if they're purchased in the U.S.? Gibson then said that they're SMUGGLED across the border! THAT'S illegal right there! And of course, U.S. guns are the weapons of choice for the drug cartels: Mexico has a total gun BAN for their peons, so where else are they going to get the guns they want? And remember, criminals, including these drug cartels, don't give a DAMN about anti-gun laws. They're CRIMINALS, Charlie!
And I'll bet that the "bullet-proof" vest is a class one rated vest, which can barely stop .22's!
Again, if these drug cartels are getting M60's and the like, they're doing so ILLEGALLY!
And after Waco and Ruby Ridge, don't expect me to believe anything the BATFEces says!
No waiting period for long guns in Texas? Well at least Texas hasn't gone completely socialist yet. And why should they have to fill out those 2A infringements called "multiple forms"? That's the way it SHOULD be!
And I see you assholes got caught with your "secret cameras"! HAH!
And speaking of the border, WHERE'S THE FREAKIN' FENCE???
Ross, Esposito and Gibson, you are all F**KING LIARS!!!
There. I feel better now.
American liberal media at its best. I guess they would say they are protected by 'freedom of the press' if/when confronted about their major untruths. If so, leave us to our right to bear arms.
What a shame.
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