Update: From the Jawa Report: One Rozita E. Swinton, pledged Obama delegate:
Wow. Obama might want to rethink just who is embittered."In her little baby voice, she said, 'If you rescue me, and I get out of here, do you think the black people will hurt me?' " Walker said. "She had done her homework. She knew it was a racist cult. We know that these kids are very frightened of black people.
"The Texas Rangers told us she was obsessed with the FLDS. They confiscated tons of material on the FLDS (in the search of Swinton's home). She even gave real addresses and real names of FLDS people."
Update II: Hmm, Rozita Swinton, the fraudulent tipster, otherwise known as "Sarah," might have gotten the idea from... Oprah.
And from the SLTrib:
FLDS women who were in state shelters with their children until Monday say investigators appeared desperate to find "Sarah" and were grilling girls by that name. ...It's increasingly looking like a sole individual has the power to destroy the lives of hundreds of men, women and children, with complicity and force of arms by the state, so long as the victims lifestyles are frowned upon. It's a sad day in the land of the free when a ton of social bias outweighs an ounce of evidence.
On Monday, hours after being separated from the children taken into state custody, FLDS women claimed authorities appeared driven to find Sarah.
"They are trying to pin it on anybody named Sarah," said Annette, who is back at the YFZ Ranch after more than a week in custody with her six children and five nieces and nephews she is raising.
Over at Say Anything, it appears that the informant may have made it all up, and was just arrested:A former polygamist sect member says a Colorado Springs woman who called her posing as a young abused girl could be the same person whose complaints led to a massive child protection raid in West Texas.Anonymous claims are dangerous, and any raid based upon such claims are completely irresponsible. It has yet to be told what exactly happened, but this is another dig at the state's moral authority.
Former Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints member Flora Jessop said in a phone interview today that she first received a call from a woman, since identified as Rozita Swinton of Colorado Springs, claiming to be Sarah on March 31...
Swinton, 33, was arrested at her home Wednesday evening on charges of false reporting in two Colorado cases, but Texas Rangers were present for the arrest, Colorado Springs police said.
Many of us hold preconceived notions about polygamists, which include underage marriage, statutory rape, and child abuse. That may very well be the case here and in many other polygamist circles, but once we start searching and seizing based on preconceived notions and anonymous claims, rather than empirical evidence, we start hacking away at due process.
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Due process is as much a joke to or government as the Constitution. We The People have been reduced to little more than a good tax base for government spending.
And it's our own fault.
You said it, Americans are asleep. Public servants, and ALL of the Military have taken an oath to protect and DEFEND the Constitution! Problem is, no one wants to trouble themselves with actually reading it.
We can get angry and try to change the laws, try to emphasize rights in the Constitution via the Amendment process, with SC Justices, even call for a rollback of democracy...
But none of our liberty matters, no matter where or how it's written into law, without a vigilant populace. We are lucky when we get good politicians, and thus, good government. We deserve it when when we do not.
With a vigilant populace, not only would good government be easier to achieve, it wouldn't even be necessary.
Hmm, what reason would an african american, Swinton, have for seeking to maliciously ruin the lives of THESE 400+ white kids??..
answer- She was`nt trying to `help` anyone, nor is she `crazy`, she was trying to get back at a group because they have a membership policy that EXCLUDES BLACKS, which is very well known to the few blacks in the western mountain states. She found a way to set them up for revenge.. which im sure the mainstream media will go to any extreme never to mention.
These FLDS people are nutty by our standards, BUT their daughters arent on ``GIRLS GONE WILD`` flashing their tits for a pornographer who sells the tapes to the pious gentlmen in OUR communitys, and advertises it all over OUR tv channels. Not happening in FLDS,..I didnt see a blade of grass out of place on their land, no trash, no homeless laying about, no slums, no race riots.. which of the two communities has the real problems, theirs or OURS? They are in the middle of the desert minding there own business,.. how many pregnant 14 year olds are running around every public housing project in Houston alone??... 500-1,000? Why is no one taking them from there crack-head, never-married, never worked, mothers, but the white kids all need to be placed in internment camps.
Apparently she's also a delegate for the Democrats.
An online search reveals that Rozita Swinton (32) has a possible roommate/associate named Christal R. Frakes (39) and/or Virgina Rosamond Morgan (44). A Google search on Christal Frakes is associated with Ecofeminism. My guess is that Rozita Swinton may have been motivated by her feminist associates in the CPS community.
The media keeps portraying the FLDS as intolerant of outside views, but it seems to me the group most intolerant are the radical feminists who hate men more than they love either women or children. The feminists and family court lawyers and judges have built an entire industry around their campaign to minimize men in the lives of their children. When other women don’t cooperate with the feminist agenda, the CPS, Police, Public Schools and Hospitals get involved and present a threat of removing even healthy, well-balanced children from their homes and placing them, in some cases, with known pedophiles. Other beneficiaries of the feminist industry include Planned Parenthood and owned politicos. There is no doubt in my mind that these hundreds of innocent children are in MUCH GREATER DANGER of being physically, emotionally and sexually abused in the homes of complete strangers acting as so-called foster parents than back in their FLDS community. Texas has a terrible history of foster care and juvenile center abuses, and anyone should question the qualifications of foster parents, their background checks, motivation, financial reward, etc. From what I’ve seen on television, these kids look very clean, well fed, polite, and peaceful. Would it be better to convert the girls into anorexic, gang bang saddle tramps? Or to turn the FLDS boys on to Ritalin, violent games and pop culture? I would say the odds are 80% or better that the next news we hear on television is that one of the young girls has been raped by her foster mom’s boyfriend or husband or that one of the babies has been shaken to death by a CPS-friendly child care worker. All the court needs to do is just prosecute any FLDS man who has married an under-age 17 year old. Leave the rest of the community alone. Return these beautiful, healthy, godly children to their parents. Stop trying to usurp the role of parent for the sake of a feminist-run family court industry.
This CPS industry is so large and powerful that our only hope of defeating it is that it will no longer receive tax-funding when our entire economy collapses due to systemic corruption at the highest levels, moral bankruptcy, destruction of the American family, and enormous debt-funding associated with costs of the military, welfare, family court and prison-industrial complex. I hope Texas is the first state to go bankrupt, and I hope it’s this case that is the straw to break the camel’s back.
Gee, do you think that the media or the state of Texas will get around to stopping the sexual exploitation of poor non-White girls living in slums and barrios? Or worrying about the welfare fraud in barrios and slums?
Of course not. Everyone in social services *knows* that "that's just the way they are" and if anyone suggested saving those poor children from child rape they'd be accused of being a racist and culturally insensitive.
If I had a nickel for every girl under age 16 impregnated by an adult male in the inner city I'd be richer than Bill Gates. I wonder how many of these sanctimonious media and social services types are aware of how many adult men get a share of the monthly welfare check from their teenage girlfriends on the claim - I've only heard it about a thousand times now - that "you wouldn't be getting that money if not for me." These guys often have literally dozens of children by assorted teenage girls; the FLDS guys would be green with envy if they knew the numbers possible if you just shack up for a few hours with teenage girls instead of keeping them around after sex.
The United States of America, a land of Tolerance and diversity... Right. As long as it's Government or Corporate sanctioned.
I don't understand why the self appointed Watch Dog (the all mighty media) is not screaming bloody murder about this one. Under the guise of "protecting the Children" the government has usurped the constitutional rights of these citizens. (Illegal search and seizure, the separation of Church and State, Parental rights etc...) I guess it's OK because these people are sinners... right? They've broken the commandments of the religion of our great society. Isn't that what this is all about?
This is my understanding of what has happened here. Acting on an anonymous tip (we find out later that they knew it was probably a hoax) the government enters these people's home and seizes their children. CPS gets involved. Even though the anonymous caller isn't found and no cases of abuse are discovered, the children are not returned to their parents. (this is state sponsored kidnapping, in case no one noticed).
The judge decides that it's best for the children to remain in the states custody until the criminal hearings have concluded... What criminal hearings? If there isn't an accuser how can there be criminal proceedings? If it's about this polygamy thing... well if it's a spiritual marriage and not a civil marriage then it's none of the governments business!
I mean, we live in a society where it's OK to have sex with whoever and as many people as we choose... If it's the underage thing, well.... we teach our children sex education in grade school... hmmm.
This is all about the children being taught the "Wrong" things by their parents. The government seized these children so they can be taught the "Truth" about things... the wonders of capitalism, the forced equality of the sexes, the pacification of the slaves to their corporate masters... the great "dumb down". I mean really, how can we exist without our drugs (we all have something wrong... need that prescription), without the nightly news, without someone in the box telling us what to think, what to buy, who to hate...
This whole thing makes me sick. Unless the state returns the children to their parents immediately, it will be to late...
Oh and while I'm at it, Damn the "Bad" Chinese government for oppressing those Buddhists... (I wonder how their media is "playing" it to their population.)
Of course they're being kidnapped on the basis of a hoax. They need to be taught that it is *wrong* to marry young and have more than one wife and that is only acceptable to impregnate a teenage girl and put her and the kid on welfare if you abandon her.
What's wrong with all those folks out there who haven't figured out that the proper way to impregnate a teenage girl is to immediately hide out from her when you find out she is pregnant - and only go back after the baby is born to ask for a share of the welfare check?
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