Got this via Hot Air: A parody of the Youtube atheist blasphemy challenge. Which of course was effectively silenced by getting deleted from Youtube. Allegedly thanks to atheist Youtubers.
Video below...
Got this via Hot Air: A parody of the Youtube atheist blasphemy challenge. Which of course was effectively silenced by getting deleted from Youtube. Allegedly thanks to atheist Youtubers.
Video below...
12:55 PM
In this weeks episode...
Election 2008: Is the fix in?
Are the Minutemen really the violent ones? We take a look.
More heinous crimes committed by those who shouldn't even be here!
Are Minutemen in California being poisoned?
The latest updates on "The Texas Three."
And Teddy Bears for troops?
All this and more in this weeks edition...
Check out Michael Britton's
Check out Soldiers
More photos of the East Bay Coalitions 'Free Ramos and Compean Rally'
Tags: illegal immigration, blogs for borders video blogburst, amnesty, soldiers angel, hillary clinton, barack obama, john mccain, rudy giuliani, border security, socialists, communists, anarchists, violence, criminal aliens, ramos, compean, johnny sutton
7:12 AM
Congress thus faces a choice in the weeks and months ahead. Will we allow our actions to be driven by the changing conditions on the ground in Iraq--or by the unchanging political and ideological positions long ago staked out in Washington? What ultimately matters more to us: the real fight over there, or the political fight over here?Lieberman got it right. We can't win a war while we are divided. That's a textbook strategy employed against an enemy, never oneself.
12:30 PM
It's not America's enemies who hate the United States most, it's people in countries that are supposed to be America's friends, if not allies.Read the whole thing.
The paradox doesn't end there. The Gallup poll (which surveyed 10,000 Muslims in 10 different countries) also revealed that the wealthier and better-educated Muslims are, the more likely they are to be politically radical. So if you ever believed that anti-Western sentiment was an expression of poverty and deprivation, think again. Even more perplexingly, Islamists are more supportive of democracy than Muslim moderates. Those who imagined that the Middle East could be stabilised with a mixture of economic and political reform could not have been more wrong. The richer these people get, the more they favour radical Islamism. And they see democracy as a way of putting the radicals into power.
6:24 PM
"We worked with the European community and the United Nations to put together a set of policies to persuade the Iranians to give up their aspirations and resolve the matter peacefully, and that is still our preference," Cheney said.'Diplomacy, Not War, With Iran'
A better approach would be for the United States to engage directly with the Iranians and to lead a global diplomatic offensive to prevent them from building nuclear weapons.The latter is an op-ed by New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. The two statements are pretty much the same. And to be realistic, all options are always open when it comes to national security despite what any Democrat will say. It's just flexible and smart.
12:23 PM
VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Iran has expanded its uranium enrichment program instead of complying with a U.N. Security Council ultimatum to freeze it, the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency said Thursday in a finding that clears the way for harsher sanctions against Tehran.The question is how long before Israel sends some tactical nukes their way.
"Iran has not suspended its enrichment-related activities," the International Atomic Energy Agency said in a report.
11:41 AM
When the wilier Democrats berate Bush for not maintaining an adequate military, they have a sort of crude point, albeit not the one they think they're making: if the time, money and energy expended in getting pseudo-allies to make pseudo-contributions were to be spent instead on the Vermont National Guard, you'd get more troops more quickly with more capability. Yet for wealthy countries to deny Washington even the figleaf of token multilateralism is, in the end, to gamble with their own futures.Technorati Tags: iraq, Blair, Bush, Howard
7:00 AM
In our first official episode we take a look at the Bank of Mex..., America credit cards for illegals scandal.
Highlight yet another video of Minutemen being attacked for expressing their first amendment rights.
We take a look at three different cases that wouldn't have existed had our government been doing its job.
We have video from two of the nationwide "Free Ramos & Compean" rallies last weekend.
And Cheesecake? Video below...
A warning: This video contains some bad language. It is most definitely NSFW, unless you put your headphones on.
Links from today's vid...
Bank of America Boycott
Pin Ups For Vets
Huntington Beach 2
Philly rally
This has been The Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst. If you'd like to be a part of the burst you can sign up here. The Blogs For Borders Video Blogburst seeks to strengthen America through stronger border control, workplace sanctions and lowering overall numbers to manageable levels.
Tags: blogs for borders video blogburst, illegal immigration, border security, bank of america, criminal aliens, reconquista, pin ups for vets, honoring the troops
4:34 PM
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran began its largest war games in almost a year Monday, just two days ahead of a U.N. Security Council deadline for Iran to halt uranium enrichment or face further economic sanctions.Funny how Iran sends troops to fight Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan, while conducting war games. Yet Bush can't even mention Iran without the left screaming Bush wants war. Weird how our defensive position is perceived as an aggressive offensive position against Iran.
The elite Revolutionary Guards began three days of ground maneuvers, state-run media reported Monday.
State television said the exercise is the biggest since last March and is taking place in 16 of Iran's 30 provinces. The broadcast said an estimated 60,000 troops are participating in the maneuvers.
"All weapons possessed by the Guards' ground force ... including new weapons, will be tested during the war games," Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi, commander of the Guards' ground force, was quoted by the official Islamic Republic News Agency as saying Monday.
The Revolutionary Guards is an elite military corps with more than 200,000 members and its own naval and air forces. It is independent of the regular armed forces and controlled directly by the supreme leader. It oversees vital interests such as oil and natural gas installations and the nation's missile arsenal.
5:43 AM
SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate John McCain, looking to improve his standing with the party's conservative voters, said Sunday the court decision that legalized abortion should be overturned.Technorati Tags: McCain, 2008 election, Roe v. Wade
"I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned," the Arizona senator told about 800 people in South Carolina, one of the early voting states.
McCain also vowed that if elected, he would appoint judges who "strictly interpret the Constitution of the United States and do not legislate from the bench."
1:41 AM
Gun control measures, from the slave gun bans of the 1700s South to the Brady Bill regulations of the 1990s have unfairly targeted black Americans and have worked to curtail a disproportionate number of their constitutional rights.Ouch again, Blogonomicon delivers the pain, at least if you like guns and Giulianni.
2:30 PM
Scientists are developing the next generation of robot-driven cars and predict they could be shuttling humans around by the year 2030, a conference was told.This means a lot. Besides putting truckers, postmen, bus drivers, etc. out of work, this technology could mean a lot to weary commuters, even our military. I just hope there won't be heavy handed restrictions on us humans considering road rage may get a whole lot more complicated.
The first wave of intelligent robot cars, capable of understanding and reacting to the world around them, will be tested this November in a competition run by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
9:26 PM
6:20 PM
The results are in. I guess I know my readers because this was predictable, but reassuring:
The question was, "What is the most important issue to you?"Out of 67 votes, the only thing that surprised me was the three or four votes for "other."
What did I miss, health care?
5:57 PM
It was scheduled for Saturday, but things happen. Nevertheless, the Second Amendment Carnival you've all been waiting for will be here Sunday.
For those who would like to participate please go here for submissions or email me at freeconstitution at
I don't have as many submissions as last time, but there's still time.
4:03 PM
At least two rules were violated Monday. The video, and of course the wolf part:
3:41 PM
I started this blogroll about a year ago, and it was always supposed to be more than a simple roll. Today, it is more than a roll. Thanks to Jake at Freedom Folks, Blogs for Borders will now be a more active coalition of bloggers aimed at improving American border security.
Jake will debut his first of many official video blogbursts Tuesday and we need your help.
If you feel strongly about illegal immigration and want to participate please send me an email at freeconstitution at with "Blogs for Borders" in the subject line, and go to the official website for instructions.We're at 48 members now, our goal is 100 by Tuesday.
3:19 PM
(KUTV) SALT LAKE CITY Years before Talovic’s killing spree he may have had a disturbing encounter with a man; it reportedly involved a knife.And there's more:
According to the man, who says he was the family’s landlord. Sulejman Talovic as a young boy pulled a knife and said he was going to kill him.
He did not have the firepower, age and senseless aim, but about age ten it’s alleged that Sulejmen Talovic had moments with Musto Redzovic, a reported landlord, which Redzovic has not forgotten.
He says the young Talovic had a knife and threatened to kill him ‘for no reason.’
“He cam to me with a knife and he said, ‘I’m gonna kill you,’ and I was joking with him,” says Redzovic, “I said, ‘what did I did to you? I give you a dollar the other day,’ or something like that.”
Redzovic continues, “‘He said, ‘I’m just gonna kill you for no reason.’The kid was not normal, he needed help.”
At age 12, Talovic was before a judge for allegedly holding a knife over the head of girl while stating, "I'll kill you," according to a source who is familiar with the case.
Two years earlier, Talovic was referred to juvenile court for throwing rocks at a little girl.
10:49 PM
I'm just going to say what needs to be said, no matter how ugly.
I don't know why Sulejman Talovic did what he did, maybe his girlfriend cheated on him. But the most obvious probable cause was his faith. It has been confirmed that Talovic is Muslim. It would be intellectually dishonest to say Muslims and Christians are equally prone to radicalization in today's world. It's a fact that Islam is more easily subject to radicalization today, and it shouldn't need to be repeated after 9/11.
With the war on terror, constant Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, the war in Iraq, threats from Iran, and increasing jihadification of Muslims, the Sulejaman Talovics of America are inevitably on the rise. Soldiers fight abroad and police can only do so much, the citizens of America are the front lines.
"The great object is, that every man be armed."
It's been over two hundred years and our founding principles still remain guardians of freedom and survival. Those were Patrick Henry's words from 1788.
12:14 PM
Jake and MJ at Freedom Folks have recently embarked on a video blogging venture for Blogs for Borders.
I hope they continue it, and I am pleased to be a part of this.
9:53 AM
As we all know by now, the 18-year old responsible for the shooting last night in Salt Lake City was a Bosnian refugee, most likely Muslim, who went into that mall determined to kill as many people as a backpack full of ammo, a shotgun, and a handgun could let him.
From Deseret News:
Police Tuesday identified the gunman accused in Monday night's Trolley Square shooting as Sulejman Talovic, an 18-year-old Bosnian refugee who lived in Salt Lake City.This Sulejman Talovic happened to be enrolled in "numerous city schools" before he dropped out in 2004. For now, that's all we know about this kid. If he turned out to be suffering from "sudden jihad syndrome" don't expect to find it in much of the MSM.
Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank said Talovic drove his car to the mall, parked in the west parking terrace and encountered two people who he shot before entering the mall.
There, he encountered a female who also was shot right away, then went into a gift shop where there were five people, all of whom the young man shot. Moving through the mall, the gunman tried to shoot others, Burbank said. The chief said he could not say now how many shots were involved in the entire episode.
He probably saved many lives, Hammond lived up to the duty to serve and protect. Unfortunately, it's not required of him, all the more reason to have the means to protect yourself:Officer Kenneth Hammond: "It's one thing to come out here and strap this uniform on and be expecting it, be prepared for that. I'm on a Valentine's date with my wife, I'm not ready for that, I'm not expecting that."
...But whatever you do, don't call Hammond a hero, he doesn't like it.
Officer Kenneth Hammond: "I don't necessarily feel like a hero. I feel like I was there and I did what I needed to do. Any other police officer would have done the same thing had they been in the same situation. I just happened to be the one that was there."
Hammond is on administrative leave until the investigation is complete. He and his wife have only been married a couple of months and they're expecting their first child.
Even though officers with the Ogden police department are under no obligation to risk their lives to protect others when they are off duty, Hammond did.Technorati Tags: SLC, shooting, police
10:02 PM
Iraq's government said on Tuesday it would close its borders with Syria and Iran and extend the hours of a night curfew in Baghdad under a U.S.- backed security plan to rein in violence in the capital.I suppose if Baghdad and other cities were to be purified during the sealing, our energy can be focused on the newcomers. If that's the case, it's smart but risky. If it succeeds, well then no more bad guys in Baghdad. If it fails, well, we tried.
...Qanbar said the border with Iran and Syria would be closed for 72 hours. He did not say when the closures would take effect.
4:25 PM
Ron Mason and DeEta Barta, of Salt Lake City, said they were eating at the Desert Edge Brew Pub when they saw a man coming in from the west parking lot. The man, wearing a dark trench coat, was carrying a long rifle or shotgun.The news media is all over it, and from rumors I have heard, the number of deaths are in the 20s, but I have no way of verifying that now.
They yelled, "There's a man with a gun!" A few seconds later they heard about 12 rounds.
Mason and Barta, who are registered nurses, went to assist the victim, a younger man who had suffered a superficial gunshot wound to the right temple and ear.
On their way out of the mall, they saw a "heap of bodies" in one of the stores, Black said. The injured people were being treated by paramedics, he said. They saw at least one other man on the ground while leaving the mall, he said.
Nearly three hours after the mayhem began, Snyder said police were still getting phone calls from people who were hiding in closets and fitting rooms inside the mall...Technorati Tags: shooting, SLC
An off-duty Ogden police officer was in the mall at the time and fired his weapon at the shooter, killing him, according to Barrett Dodds, an antique-shop owner who witnessed the event.
Ogden Police Sgt. Blaine Clifford confirmed there was an off-duty police officer involved in the mall shooting. "I don't know what level of involvement he had."
Dodds said the shooter was about 6 feet tall, wearing a long trench coat and a backpack, and that he stopped to reload his weapon several times while inside the mall. Dodds said he heard as many as 20 shots fired, and he believed the man was "putting the gun to his shoulder and aiming at people."
9:21 PM
Iran will be able to develop enough weapons-grade material for a nuclear bomb and there is little that can be done to prevent it, an internal European Union document has concluded.I think the EU is playing it smart, finally recognizing the futility of virtually worthless UN resolutions, recognizing Iran's real and increasing threat to the region and the world, and recognizing that much more than imposing sanctions will be needed to stop Iran.
In an admission of the international community’s failure to hold back Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the document – compiled by the staff of Javier Solana, EU foreign policy chief – says the atomic programme has been delayed only by technical limitations rather than diplomatic pressure. “Attempts to engage the Iranian administration in a negotiating process have not so far succeeded,” it states.
The downbeat conclusions of the “reflection paper” – seen by the Financial Times – are certain to be seized on by advocates of military action, who fear that Iran will be able to produce enough fissile material for a bomb over the next two to three years. Tehran insists its purposes are purely peaceful.
“At some stage we must expect that Iran will acquire the capacity to enrich uranium on the scale required for a weapons programme,” says the paper, dated February 7 and circulated to the EU’s 27 national governments ahead of a foreign ministers meeting yesterday.
6:04 PM
House Democrats agreed yesterday to debate a straightforward, nonbinding resolution that rejects President Bush's plan to send more troops to Iraq, but they will also allow Republicans to bring their own war-related measure to the floor.Shouldn't Congress be working on something that perhaps might actually accomplish something?
The House debate is set to begin Tuesday and will continue for at least three days, with all lawmakers offered five-minute speaking slots. Unlike the more complicated Senate version, which has run into a Republican-erected procedural roadblock, the House Democratic resolution will make two basic points.
8:21 PM
For the next few weeks. My workload comes in waves, and I have yet to see the crest.
12:30 PM
Want to make a point? Or better yet, refute a point? Learn from the idiots:
An initiative filed by proponents of same-sex marriage would require heterosexual couples to have kids within three years or else have their marriage annulled.If I didn't think that marriage was fundamentally and solely a union of two of the opposite sexes, I would still say they are making an ass out of themselves.
Initiative 957 was filed by the Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance. That group was formed last summer after the state Supreme Court upheld Washington's ban on same-sex marriage.
Under the initiative, marriage would be limited to men and women who are able to have children. Couples would be required to prove they can have children in order to get a marriage license, and if they did not have children within three years, their marriage would be subject to annulment.
12:19 PM