Rezko, Wright, Ayers, and now Pfleger. Who's next, and how long can he keep "distancing" from his idiot supporters?
Obama said he was "deeply disappointed" by Pfleger's comments.I guess it's a good thing for Obama that most of America isn't judging him by the friends he keeps.
"As I have traveled this country, I've been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that that unites us," he said in a statement. "That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause."
More: Pfleger, attention whore, on America raping people of color:
Stolen from Ace who has another vid of Pfleger praising Louis Farrakhan and dipping into the drug conspiracy.
Pfleger's got a history of crossing the state/church line, and he's not shy about it...
Seen here at the War on Guns and Armed and Safe, Pfleger is yet another extremist. Here's one example:
During an address at an anti-gun rally in front of Chuck's, Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina's Church, exhorted the crowd to "drag" shop owner, John Riggio, from his shop "like a rat" and "snuff" him. Rev. Pfleger went on to tell the crowd that legislators that vote against gun control legislation should be "snuffed" as well. As many know, "snuff" is slang for especially violent murder.Audio of that here.
And then there's the money, $225,000 in grants to Pfleger's programs received after donating to Obama.
Update: this is the second time the Archdiocese of Chicago has condemned statements from Pfleger. The first involved the death threat quoted above. Google it.
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Just a guess, but I'd bet there are a LOT more people in the U.S. who judge Barack H. Obama by the company he's kept and keeps. And they do not judge him positively. And their opinion is only going to further solidify. And others' opinions will also turn against Obama.
Of course, he, arrogant narcissist and general know-it-all that he is, as well as his troupe and devotees don't want to believe this.
As for yet another person he's "shocked" about hearing that they've some racist, unholy, leftist, anti-American, [fill in the blank] message: The young fellow's a fool and no matter how many degrees he might accumulate from any university nor accolades from the MSM shills of his, he can't hide that. Nor can his handlers.
It's he who should drop out of the nominating race now, because the longer he's in it, the more gaffes he makes and the more sordidness of his character and background get revealed. And the more unelectable he becomes.
Gotta give it to those Dems, though: They managed to pick a candidate that rightly should be named "Barack 'Neville Chamberlain Jimmy Carter Mike Dukakis John Kerry Nowhere Man' Hussein Obama.
No matter how much disarray there may be in the Republican Party and between that party and conservatives, collectively they will punish and subsequently crush Obama with what they've uncovered about him.
This guy lacks the testicularity and wherewithal to be much more than, say, a junior senator from Illinois.
So once the criticism and examination he so richly deserves comes his way, we'll see the heights to which he, his wife and the MSM can whine and rail about how "unfairly" he's being treated, or how "racist" everyone who dares criticize him really is.
Wonder how many Dems are asking: What have we done by railroading this loser through?
They'll find out for certain come November, when they will truly have to embrace that their boneheadness, coupled with their leftist center and their inherent racisim and political correctness, will have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Although I agree with the gist of this article, I won't vote for it because of the "Hussein" business. It's over the top, sorry.
Be reasonable. How many friends, colleagues, acquaintances, supporters (not including voters, now) do you think Barack Obama has? In the tens of thousands. Some of them are kooky. Most are not. He met Pfleger as one of the many church leaders in Chicago who were working with the poor. What would you do if you were in his position, if some of these church leaders who you had to work with were sometimes kooky? Do you have the interest to research what good Father Pfleger has done?
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