Final update for this post: Iowa called for Obama. Looks like a big victory for Obama. I'm swallowing my anger, and there's plenty of it justifiably so, but if these projections are accurate, I congratulate Obama. But the truth squads, the bitter-clingy remarks, and the hubris better be nowhere insight after tonight. Or it's going to be a brutal four years.
Update 4: New Mexico called for Obama, Florida still not looking good for McCain so it's getting harder and harder for a McCain miracle.
UPDATE 3: ABC, NBC, and yes, FOX calls Ohio for Obama. If PA and OH are Obama's it's over for McCain. There is no realistic way to win, not even if McCain wins Florida, Iowa, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico. Then again, it's not over until it's over.
Update 2: Ohio and Florida are still not looking good for McCain. Frankly, even if McCain wins those two, good chance it will still hinge on Colorado. Iowa looks to go to Obama, but also an important state as things are now. I'm still keeping an eye on Pennsylvania as not many precincts have reported yet.. If PA changes to red, it's a whole new ballgame. But it's not looking good either.
Update: Obama gets all New England, and most networks have called PA for him as well, despite a complete lack of precinct reports. If that's true, McCain cannot afford to lose Florida AND Ohio, otherwise Obama safely wins with all his other solidly blue states. And Ohio is not looking good.
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Damn. It's going to be a shitty four years.
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