I'm not saying that's a good thing. But I think there are good things that come with an Obama presidency. For one, when you hear people shout things like Amerikkka!, they are now demonstrably full of shit.
I didn't sleep well last night, and I woke up this morning, went to the New York Times and fully expecting to see something that would make me ill, I saw in big bold blue letters O-B-A-M-A. I thought I would cringe. But I smiled. America did pick an underdog, a horrible underdog, but still. As if that was not enough, now the Times is pimping a blue map of the U.S.; almost every state voted more for Democrats than four years ago. Good for them. Doesn't bother me. John McCain was no inspiring conservative. Say what you want about who's to blame, but our voters stayed home last night. By contrast, Obama was inspiring to many, and his turnout reflects that. Now that I mention it, McCain was like Kerry, in terms of his inability to inspire.
Obama won on all fronts. That is inspiring even to a libertarianish conservative like me. With any luck, we can put up a worthy and formidable opponent in another four years. We need to start working on the groundwork for such a monumental task today.
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I completely agree. If nothing else, it gives the demos a chance to remind us why Reagan won almost every state in America in 1984.
We just need to find the next Reagan!
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