Don't worry folks. This is an anomaly, an exception to the rule which is the behavior of the morally superior class entrusted with professional courtesy priveleges, superior firearms, and immunity from virtually all litigation:
Videotapes of angry officers savagely beating civilians and charges that a murder plot was hatched within an elite special operations unit have Chicago's troubled police department reeling again.To think otherwise would blow a hole in the idea that the equal protection clause is enforced, and the rationale for banning guns in Chicago, so I guess we'll just not go there.
Adding to the department's woes is word from federal prosecutors that they are investigating claims that homicide detectives tortured suspects into confessing to murders that landed them on death row in the 1980s.
Not since club-swinging cops in baby-blue helmets chased demonstrators through clouds of pepper gas at the 1968 Democratic National Convention have Chicago police been so awash in trouble.